Course XML Introduction

In the course XML Introduction participants will gain a thorough understanding of the concepts of XML and the applications of the meta language XML.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course XML Introduction : Content

    XML Intro

    XML is a language for describing structured documents and data and provides the technological basis for data sharing, publishing and e-business.

    XML Syntax

    Attention is paid to the syntax of XML documents and the difference between well-formed and valid XML documents.

    XML Validation

    The Role of Document Type Definitions (DTDs) and XML Schemas (XSD files) is discussed and several XML-derived languages, XML vocabularies, are discussed.

    XML Styling and Transformation

    Further the possibilities for presenting XML documents are treated where the focus is on the use of eXtended Stylesheet and Transformation Language (XSLT).

    XML Applications

    Finally various applications of XML in practice are discussed, including Data Exchange, Publishing and Electronic Commerce. Possible follow-up courses are XSLT Stylesheet, XML Schema and XQuery

  • Course XML Introduction : Training

    Audience Course XML Introduction

    The course XML Introduction is targeted at project managers, system analysts, application developers and system administrators who want to learn the basic concepts of XML and the usages areas of XML.

    Prerequisites Course XML Introduction

    To participate in this course basic knowledge of Internet and HTML is required.

    Realization Training XML Introduction

    The theory is treated on the basis of presentation slides. The theory is accompanied by demos from practice. After discussion of a module, there is the opportunity for practice. The course times are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification XML Introduction

    Participants receive an official certificate XML Introduction after successful completion of the course

    Course XML Introduction
  • Course XML Introduction : Modules

    Module 1 : XML Introduction

    Module 2 : XML Syntax

    Module 3 : XML Validity

    What is XML?
    XML versus HTML
    Structured Documents
    Roots of XML
    XML Standard
    Markup Languages
    XML as Meta Language
    Benefits of XML
    XML Technologies
    Applications of XML
    XML Validation with XML Schema
    XML Presentation with Stylesheets
    XML Transport with Web Services
    XML Document Structure
    Node Tree
    XML Prolog
    XML Elements
    XML Attributes
    Well Formed Documents
    Valid Documents
    Processing Instructions
    Entity References
    CDATA Sections
    Character References
    Document Type Definition
    DOCTYPE Declaration
    Internal and External DTD
    Element Declaration in DTD
    Attribute Declaration in DTD
    XML Schema as DTD Successor
    DTD to XML-Schema Conversion
    XML-Schema Vocabulary
    XML Schema Namespace
    Referencing XML Schema's
    Simple and Complex Types
    XML Schema Data Types
    User Defined Data Types

    Module 4 : XML Formatting

    Separate Content and Presentation
    What is XSL?
    XSLT Stylesheets
    How does XSLT work?
    What is XPath?
    Stylesheet Blueprint
    Using Predicates
    Applying templates
    XSLT as Transformation Language
  • Course XML Introduction : General

    Read general course information
  • Course XML Introduction : Reviews

  • Course XML Introduction : Certificate