Course XML Schema

In the course XML Schema you will gain extensive knowledge on the syntax and usage of the XML Schema language, as successor to Document Type Definitions (DTDs).

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course XML Schema : Content

    XML Schema Intro

    XML Schema is used to define XML vocabulaires that define the structure, element names and contents of XML documents.

    Design Models

    Several XML Schema design models are discussed like Russian Doll, Salami Slice and Venetian Blind. Attention is given to declaring simple and complex elements and types and imposing constraints on the content of elements.

    Simple Types

    Also the creation of user defined simple data types using facets and regular expressions is among the subjects discussed. Namespaces are an important part in the XML Schema specification and is given a lot of attention.

    Complex Types

    Also the creation of complex derived data types and the difference between derivation by restriction and derivation by extension are discussed.

    Import en Include

    Further attention is paid to modularization of schemas and the usage of the include and import mechanisms.

    Advanced Topics

    Finally some advanced topics like Open Content Models and the XML Schema handling of keys and references and the removing of redundancy by identity constraints are addressed.

  • Course XML Schema : Training

    Audience Course XML Schema

    The course XML Schema is designed for developers of XML data structures and XML applications and project managers who want to use XML schemas to validate the contents of XML documents.

    Prerequisites Course XML Schema

    To join this course knowledge of the basic syntax of XML is required.

    Realization Training XML Schema

    The theory is discussed on the basis of presentation slides. Demos are used to illustrate the theory. There is ample opportunity to practice. The course material is in English. The course time are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification Course XML Schema

    Participants receive an official certificate XML Schema after successful completion of the course.

    Course XML Schema
  • Course XML Schema : Modules

    Module 1 : XML-Schema Intro

    Module 2 : XML Schema Basics

    Module 3 : XML Schema Models

    Why XML Schema?
    What is XML Schema?
    Markup Languages
    Well Formed versus Valid
    Document Type Definition (DTD)
    DTD Limitations
    XML Schema as DTD Successor
    XML Schema Features
    Typical Use of XML Schema
    Use of XML Schema
    Other Uses of XML Schema
    Schema Validators
    XML Schema Components
    DTD to XML Schema Conversion
    DTD Vocabulary
    XML Schema Vocabulary
    Target Vocabulary
    Referencing XML Schema
    Multiple Levels of Checking
    Element Cardinality
    Simple and Complex Types
    Simple Type Restricted to Integer
    Complex Type with Attribute
    Declaration versus Definition
    Global versus Local
    Element Declarations
    Global and Local Declarations
    Referencing Global Declarations
    Anonymous and Named Types
    Three Design Approaches
    Salami Slice Design
    Russian Doll Design
    Venetian Blind Design
    Combined Design
    Design Comparisons

    Module 4 : XML Schema Data Types

    Module 5 : Derived Simple Types

    Module 6 : Schema Documentation

    XML Schema Data Types
    String Data Types
    Language Data Type
    Name Types
    ID Types
    Qualified Names and URI's
    Binary String Encoded Types
    Primitive Numeric Data Types
    Derived Numeric Data Types
    Boolean Data Type
    Date Data Types
    ur-type and anyType
    Creating Simple Types
    Derived Numeric Simple Types
    Simple Types by Restriction
    Available Facets
    Enumerations and Patterns
    Fixing Facet Values
    Regular Expressions
    Meta Characters
    Character Classes
    List Type and simpleTypes
    Union type and simpleTypes
    Annotating Schema's
    Annotation Element
    Meta Data
    Allowed Locations
    Annotation Location
    Inlining Annotation
    Documentation Element
    Appinfo Element
    Optional Attributes
    source Attribute
    xml:lang Attribute
    Defining Semantics

    Module 7 : Namespaces

    Module 8 : Complex Types

    Module 9 : Derived Complex Types

    Namespaces of XML Schema
    XML Schema Namespace
    Referencing XML Schema
    Namespace Scope
    Default Namespace
    Symbol Spaces
    Name Conflicts
    What is in the Namespace?
    Namespace Qualification
    Rules for using Namespaces
    Simple Content and Attributes
    Local Attribute Declarations
    use Attribute
    Grouping Attributes
    Grouping Elements
    Global Group Definition
    Choice Element
    Fixed Element Values
    Default Element Values
    Sequence and Choice
    Any order with all
    Empty element
    nil and Mixed content
    Derived Complex Types
    Deriving by Extension
    Deriving by Restriction
    Prohibiting Derivations
    Element Substitution
    Substitutable Elements
    International Clients
    substitutionGroup Features
    Substitution with Derived Types
    Blocking Element Substitution
    Transitive and Non-Symmetric
    Abstract Elements
    Abstract complexType

    Module 10 : Schema Modules

    Module 11 : Schema Extensions

    Module 12 : Uniqueness and Keys

    Schema Modularization
    Including Schema Documents
    Using include
    Chameleon Effect
    Namespace Coercion
    Redefining Types
    Using redefine
    Redefine no targetNamespace
    Importing Schema Documents
    Using import
    any Element
    Extension Element
    Instance with any
    Namespace Extension Elements
    anyAttribute Element
    Extension Attribute
    Instance with anyAttribute
    Namespace Extension Attributes
    Open Content
    Global and Local Openness
    Uniqueness and Keys
    Unique versus Key
    Key Requirements
    Combination Key
    Unique Elements
    Key Referencing
    key Element
    keyref Element
  • Course XML Schema : General

    Read general course information
  • Course XML Schema : Reviews

  • Course XML Schema : Certificate