Training Forms

Training Forms

SpiralTrain has various training forms that are explained in detail below. Our consultants will be gladly assist you in choosing the most suitable form of training.

Open Schedule Training

Many courses can be followed through our Open Schedule. These courses are scheduled at regular intervals. You will be in a class with students from other companies. The content of the Open Schedule training is fixed and is described in the accompanying info sheet on our website. The Open Schedule training takes place at our location.


Training on request

A number of training courses on our website are not regularly scheduled. They can be organized on request. When you register you can specify a preferred date when you would want to follow the training. In consultation with you and other participants who have registered, the most convenient date for the training is agreed.

Group Training

Group courses are content as described on our website but can only exclusive to members of your business are taken care of. Group training can be provided at our location, but may optionally be carried out in-company. The trainer will come to you.

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Custom Training

In case of a group training, you can also ask for a custom training. With a custom training we determine the content and duration of the training in consultation with you. We will make you an offer based on the desired content. Custom training can be carried out as a group training on our or your location.

Individual Training

In special cases also individual courses as possible in which you are personally trained by one of our teachers. For each case we can explore the possibilities with you and make you a suitable offer.

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Self Study Center

Some courses can be followed in our Self Study Center. You can work through the course material for these courses at your own pace through self-study. A teacher is present to answer questions. You will be in a class with other students who may do another self study training.