Course Nginx Administration

In the course Nginx Administration, participants learn to manage and control the Nginx web server. Nginx is an open source web server that can also be used as a proxy server, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache. Nginx is one of the most used web servers and stands out for its good performance and limited memory usage. Nginx is available for various operating systems including Linux, Windows and Mac.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Nginx Administration : Content

    Nginx Intro

    The Nginx Administration course deals with the management of the Nginx web server. In the first place the modular architecture of Nginx is discussed and how other modules can be activated in addition to the base modules. The various installation options of Nginx are treated as well.

    Nginx Configuration

    Next the configuration of Nginx is explained with the various configuration directives and configuration files. Attention is paid to the configuration of logging, virtual hosting, setting up error pages and the configuration of routing and URL rewriting.

    Nginx as Reverse Proxy

    The course also explains how to configure Nginx as a reverse proxy, where the reverse proxy forwards the original client request to the correct backend server. Redirects and Web Socket connections are also treated. And also the monitoring of Nginx is discussed.

    Load Balancing

    Another topic in the course is how a cluster with different Nginx instances can be configured and how traffic can be forwarded to underlying Nginx applications by means of load balancing.


    Nginx has many options for caching with which major performance improvements can be realized. The various caching configurations are discussed with scalable content caching, caching zones, caching hash key and Vary header.


    Finally the course ends with a discussion of the security configuration in Nginx. Access control with Basic Authentication and JSON Web Tokens, encryption and the use of ModSecurity are treated.

  • Course Nginx Administration : Training

    Audience Course Nginx Administration

    The course Nginx Administration is intended for system administrators and web developers who need to manage and configure the Nginx server and install applications on it.

    Prerequisites Courses Nginx

    Participants must have basic computer skills, such as surfing the web and approaching the file system. Knowledge of web applications and other web servers is beneficial for a good understanding.

    Realization Training Nginx

    The theory is treated on the basis of presentations. The concepts are explained with demos. The theory is interspersed with exercises.

    Certificate Nginx Administration

    Attendants receive a certificate of participation in Nginx Administration after successful completion of the course.

    Course Nginx Administration
  • Course Nginx Administration : Modules

    Module 1 : Nginx Intro

    Module 2 : Nginx Configuration

    Module 3 : Nginx as Reverse Proxy

    What is Nginx?
    Nginx Architecture
    Nginx Benefits
    Nginx installation
    Install Nginx from binary
    Install Nginx from source
    Enabling modules
    Base modules
    Serve static content
    Nginx as system service
    Upgrading Nginx
    Configuration directives
    Organization and inclusions
    Customize Logging
    The HTTP Server
    Routing and Maps
    Mail server proxy
    Setting up virtual hosts
    Configuring locations
    Location lookup order
    Setting up error pages
    Use Variables in Rewrites
    Proxy connections
    Nginx as reverse proxy
    Nginx and Apache
    Supported upstream protocols
    Configuring Apache and Nginx
    Nginx proxy module
    Note on variables
    Issuing redirects
    Proxying Websocket Connections
    Separating content
    X-Accel-* headers

    Module 4 : Monitoring and Logging

    Module 5 : Load Balancing

    Module 6 : Caching

    Access log Files
    Error log Files
    Log Levels
    Specifying custom log format
    Tracking slow requests
    Optimizing logging
    Log rotation
    Log analysis by external programs
    Monitoring Nginx
    Traffic Monitoring
    Nginx stub status page
    Alerts from Nginx
    HTTP Load Balancing
    TCP Load Balancing
    Load-Balancing Methods
    Connection Limiting
    Clustering Types
    Horizonal Clustering
    Vertical Clustering
    Session Persistence
    Sticky Cookie
    Sticky Learn
    Sticky Routing
    Connection Draining
    NGINX HA Mode
    The Vary: header
    Scalable Content Caching
    Caching Zones
    Caching Hash Keys
    Cache Bypass and Cache Performance
    Sophisticated Media Streaming
    Bandwidth Limits
    Seamless Reload
    TCP and HTTP Health Checks

    Module 7 : Security

    Controlling Access
    Access on IP Address
    Allowing CORS
    Limiting Connections
    Limiting Rate and Bandwidth
    Client-Side Encryption
    HTTP Basic Authentication
    Secure Links and Locations
    API Authentication Using JWT
    Creating JSON Web Keys
    Single Sign-On (SSO)
    ModSecurity Firewall
    HTTPS Redirects
  • Course Nginx Administration : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Nginx Administration : Reviews

  • Course Nginx Administration : Certificate