
Frameworks Courses

An application framework provides a ready-made template in which the structure of an application is established and specific details can be filled in. SpiralTrain provides classroom training in commonly used frameworks in Java, PHP and Ruby. Visit our LinkedInFacebook or Instagram page for an impression of SpiralTrain. Click on the links below for more information about the courses and the schedule.

Frameworks Course List

Play Framework Programming course
Course Play Framework Programming
Code: FRM500
First start: 28-04-2025
4 days € 2650
Course Wicket Programming
Course Wicket Programming
Code: FRM100
First start: 17-02-2025
3 days € 1999
Course Web Development with GWT
Course Web Development with GWT
Code: FRM200
First start: 20-02-2025
3 days € 1999
Course Ruby on Rails Programming
Course Ruby on Rails Programming
Code: FRM300
First start: 24-02-2025
3 days € 1999
Course Grails Programming
Course Grails Programming
Code: FRM400
First start: 14-04-2025
3 days € 1999
Course Laravel Framework Programming
Course Laravel Framework Programming
Code: PHP400
First start: 17-03-2025
4 days € 2650
Course Symfony Framework Programming
Course Symfony Framework Programming
Code: PHP500
First start: 24-02-2025
4 days € 2650
Course PHP Laminas Framework Programming
Course Laminas Framework Programming
Code: PHP600
First start: 18-03-2025
4 days € 2650

Benefits and Drawbacks of Frameworks

Frameworks help enormously with setting up a project quickly. A framework also ensures that less code has to be written because a template application is ready immediately. Often the directory structure is given and the components of a framework communicate in a well-defined way. A disadvantage of a framework is that it increases the learning curve because you have to get to know the framework before you can work with it. The application structure is also less flexible, because the structure is already predetermined.


Google Web Toolkit is an open-source Java framework from Google that makes it possible to develop JavaScript applications in Java. GWT applications can be run in hosted and web mode. In hosted mode, the Java code is translated into bytecode which is then executed by a Java Virtual Machine. This mode is mainly for developing and debugging the application. In web mode, the Java code is translated into JavaScript and HTML. The result can be run in a standard browser or made available over the Internet.

Apache Wicket

Apache Wicket is an open source, Java component based, web application framework. Wicket is closely patterned after stateful GUI frameworks such as Swing. Wicket applications are trees of components, which use listener delegates to react to HTTP requests against links and forms in the same way that Swing components react to mouse and keystroke events. Wicket is categorized as a component-based framework. Wicket uses plain XHTML for templating. Each component is bound to a named element in the XHTML and becomes responsible for rendering that element in the final output. Each component is backed by its own model, which represents the state of the component.


Grails is an open source web application framework, which uses the Groovy programming language, which in turn is based on the Java platform. Grails is intended as a high productivity framework by following the coding by convention paradigm, creating a stand-alone development environment that takes over many of the configuration settings. Convention over configuration, sensible defaults, opinionated APIs, and the Groovy language make Grails easy to learn for Java developers. Grails is built on top of Spring Boot and leverages Spring Boot’s time-saving features, such as Spring-powered dependency injection.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is an open source web application framework written in Ruby. It broadly follows the model view controller design pattern. It strives for simplicity and allows you to develop practical applications with less code and less configuration than other frameworks. The Ruby programming language offers the possibility of meta programming that Rails uses a lot. This results in program code that is easy to read and easy to understand. The two main principles of Ruby on Rails are: “Don’t repeat yourself” (DRY) and “Convention over configuration” (COC).