Course iOS Development with SwiftUI

In the course iOS development with SwiftUI, participants learn to use the programming language Swift and the declarative SwiftUI framework for the development of apps for the iPhone and iPad. The XCode Development Environment is used for developing the iOS apps and the many possibilities of this Integrated Development Environment are discussed.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course iOS Development with SwiftUI : Content

    Swift Review

    The course iOS Development with SwiftUI kicks off with a review of key elements of the Swift programming language. This includes the discussion of type inference, classes, structures, guards and closures.

    Swift UI Architecture

    Next the declarative and data driven SwiftUI syntax and the use of SwiftUI projects in XCode are discussed. Attention is also paid to the SwiftUI App and UI hierarchy, the various SwiftUI views, stacks, frames and also to event handling in Swift UI.

    Data Persistence

    There are several ways to store data in SwiftUI apps. Scene Storage and App Storage are treated and access to the file system of a device is discussed as well. Attention is also paid to storing data in a key value store and in a relational database such as SQLite. Lifecycle modifiers are also reviewed.


    Navigating between different screens in a SwiftUI app is also part of the program of the course. This section discusses the use of NavigationViews and NavigationLinks that can be included in List and Dynamic Lists.


    Gestures in mobile apps relate to interaction with the device through taps, clicks and swipes. The use of gestures in SwiftUI is treated as well as the combination with animations.

    SwiftUI Widgets

    Widgets are the visual building blocks of the user interface of a Swift UI App. Various widgets such as lists, grids, buttons, switches, tables, date pickers and maps are covered. Attention is also paid to the creation of User Defined widgets with the WidgetKit.

    UI Kit Integration

    Finally the course discusses how existing iOS apps based on the UI kit architecture can be integrated with the SwiftUI architecture. The role of UIViewControllers and Storyboards is covered here.

  • Course iOS Development with SwiftUI : Training

    Audience Course iOS Development with SwiftUI

    The course iOS Development with SwiftUI is intended for developers who want to use the declarative SwiftUI framework to develop apps for iPhone and iPad.

    Prerequisites iOS Development with SwiftUI

    To participate in the course iOS Development with SwiftUI, prior knowledge of programming in the Swift language is desirable.

    Realization Training iOS Development with SwiftUI

    The theory is treated on the basis of presentation slides and demos. There is ample opportunity to practice. The course works with the latest version of the iOS SDK and XCode. The course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certification iOS Development with SwiftUI

    After successfully completing the course the participants receive a certificate iOS Development with SwiftUI.

    Course iOS Development with Swift UI
  • Course iOS Development with SwiftUI : Modules

    Module 1 : Swift Review

    Module 2 : SwiftUI Intro

    Module 3 : SwiftUI Architecture

    Type Inference
    Type Casting
    Data Structures
    Optional Types
    Property Wrappers
    Stored Properties
    Computed Properties
    SwiftUI Projects
    SwiftUI in XCode
    UIKit and Interface Builder
    SwiftUI Declarative Syntax
    SwiftUI is Data Driven
    SwiftUI versus UIKit
    Xcode in SwiftUI Mode
    Preview Canvas and Pinning
    Multiple Device Configurations
    App on Simulators
    App on Physical Devices
    Build Errors
    UI Layout Hierarchy
    SwiftUI App Hierarchy
    App and Scenes
    SwiftUI Views
    Basic Views
    Additional Layers
    Views as Properties
    Modifying Views
    Custom Modifiers
    Basic Event Handling
    Custom Container Views
    ContentView.swift File

    Module 4 : Stacks and Frames

    Module 5 : Lifecycle Modifiers

    Module 6 : SwiftUI Data Persistence

    SwiftUI Stacks
    Alignment and Padding
    Container Child Limit
    Text Line Limits
    Layout Priority
    Traditional Stacks
    Lazy Stacks
    SwiftUI Frames
    Frames and Geometry Reader
    Cross Stack Alignment
    Container Alignment
    Alignment Guides
    onAppear Modifiers
    onDisappear Modifiers
    onChange Modifier
    onChange Modifier
    Adding Observable Object
    Designing ContentView Layout
    Adding Navigation
    Environment Objects
    State Properties
    State Binding
    Observable Objects
    State Objects
    Using AppStorage
    Using SceneStorage
    @SceneStorage Property Wrapper
    @AppStorage Property Wrapper
    Adding Data Store
    Pathnames in Swift
    Directories and Files
    Reading and Writing from a File
    Key-Value Data
    Using SQLite Directly
    Managed Objects
    Persistent Store Coordinator
    Retrieving and Modifying Data

    Module 7 : Lists and Navigation

    Module 8 : SwiftUI Grids

    Module 9 : Gestures and Animation

    SwiftUI Lists
    SwiftUI Dynamic Lists
    Editable List
    Hierarchical Lists
    Loading JSON Data
    Using OutlineGroup
    Using DisclosureGroup
    Sidebar List Style
    SwiftUI Grids
    Flexible GridItems
    Scrolling Support
    Adaptive GridItems
    Fixed GridItems
    Hierarchical Data
    Basic Gestures
    onChange Action Callback
    Updating Callback Action
    Composing Gestures
    Implicit and Explicit Animation
    Repeating an Animation
    Explicit Animation
    Animation and State Bindings
    SwiftUI Transitions
    Asymmetrical Transitions

    Module 10 : Widgets with SwiftUI

    Module 11 : Integrating UIKit

    Module 12 : UIViews and UIViewControllers

    Overview of Widgets
    The Widget Extension
    Widget Configuration Types
    Widget Entry View
    Widget Timeline Entries
    Widget Timeline
    Widget Provider
    Reload Policy
    Forcing Timeline Reload
    Widget Placeholders
    SwiftUI and UIKit Integration
    Integrating UIViews into SwiftUI
    Adding a Coordinator
    Handling UIKit Delegation
    Handling UIKit Data Sources
    Wrapping the UIScrolledView
    Implementing the Coordinator
    Using MyScrollView
    Adding a Hosting Controller
    Embedding a Container View
    Testing the App
    UIViewControllers and SwiftUI
    Wrapping UIImagePickerController
    Designing the Content View
    Completing MyImagePicker
    Completing the Content View
    Preparing the Storyboard
    Configuring the Segue Action
    Overview of the Hosting Controller
    UIHostingController Project
    Adding the SwiftUI Content View
    Embedding SwiftUI in Code
  • Course iOS Development with SwiftUI : General

    Read general course information
  • Course iOS Development with SwiftUI : Reviews

  • Course iOS Development with SwiftUI : Certificate