Course Docker Containers

In the course Docker Containers participants learn how to use Docker containers in application development. Docker is a container manager that creates and starts containers with a specific runtime environment.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Docker Containers : Content

    Docker Intro

    The course Docker Containers starts with an explanation of how Docker containers work. The participants learn to create and run Docker containers. Unlike virtual machines, Docker uses resource isolation so that several independent containers can run in an operating system instance. The containers can be created, started, and stopped just like processes.

    Docker Commands

    The various Docker commands such as run, pull, push, build and search are covered. Attention is also paid to hosting Docker containers, such as hosting in the registry or hosting in web applications

    Docker Images

    Next attention is paid to Docker Images, in which the difference between Base and Child images is discussed, among other things. A Docker image is a runtime environment and the image is created with the instructions in a Dockerfile. The content of a Docker file is also explained.

    Cloud Deployment

    Cloud Deployment on various cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure and Google App Engine is also on the program of the course Docker Containers. Docker machines are local or remote computers with an IP address on which the Docker service runs. Typically these are also present in cloud environments such as AWS, Amazon Web Services.

    Multi Container Environments

    Finally attention is paid to the use of Docker containers in a Microservices Architecture, the use of multiple containers side by side and in a cluster in combination with the Kubernetes cluster orchestration system.

  • Course Docker Containers : Training

    Audience Course Docker Containers

    The course Docker Containers is intended for developers who want to use Docker containers for application development.

    Prerequisites Course Docker Containers

    To participate in the course Docker Containers the participants should have experience with the development of applications and related matters.

    Realization Training Docker Containers

    The theory is explained on the basis of presentations. The concepts are illustrated with demos. The theory is interspersed with exercises. The course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Official Certificate Course Docker Containers

    Participants receive an official certificate Docker Containers after successful completion of the course.

    Course Docker Containers
  • Course Docker Containers : Modules

    Module 1 : Docker Intro

    Module 2 : Docker Commands

    Module 3 : Docker Images

    What is Docker?
    Packaging Applications
    Containers versus Virtual Machines
    Cloud Deployment
    Amazon Web Services
    Docker Hub
    Installing Docker
    Running Docker
    Docker Daemon
    Docker Hub and Registry
    Docker Images
    Docker Client
    pull Command
    run Command
    Container ID's
    ps Command
    docker container prune
    docker rm
    docker search
    Hosting in registry
    Hosting WebApps
    Publishing Ports
    Detached Mode
    Base Images
    Child Images
    Official Images
    User Images
    Creating Images
    onbuild Version
    Using a Dockerfile
    FROM Keyword
    EXPOSE Keyword
    CMD Keyword
    docker build
    Development Workflow

    Module 4 : Cloud Deployment

    Module 5 : Multi Container Environments

    Module 6 : Docker Network

    Docker on AWS
    Elastic Beanstalk
    docker push
    Google App Engine
    AWS Console
    cmd for EB
    Upload and Deploy
    Monitoring and Alarms
    Multiple Services
    Multiple Containers
    Decoupling Application Tiers
    Microservice Architecture
    Adding Containers
    Tweaking Base Images
    Custom Dockerfiles
    ADD command
    Preparing Images
    Exposing IP Address
    Bridge Network
    Default Network
    docker network Command
    network create Command
    Automatic Service Discovery
    Docker Compose
    Docker Machine
    Docker Swarm
  • Course Docker Containers : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Docker Containers : Reviews

  • Course Docker Containers : Certificate