Course XSLT Stylesheets

The course XSLT Stylesheets discusses how XSLT, eXtensible Stylesheet and Transformation Language can be used to format and transform XML documents. The course is based on the latest version of XSLT but the differences with previous versions are also highlighted.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course XSLT Stylesheets : Content

    XSLT Transformations

    The course deals with transformations from XML to HTML, from XML to XML and from XML to other text formats such as plain text and JSON.

    XPath Expressions

    Furthermore, attention is paid to navigating through XML documents via XPath expressions and the various search axes of XPath are explained.

    XPath Functions

    There is plenty of attention for the many functions that XPath and XSLT have to offer and that can be called during the transformation process.

    XSLT Template Matching

    An important element of XLST is the principle of template matching. This therefore forms the central element of the course.

    XSLT Flow Control

    The XSLT elements that have to do with flow control are discussed, as well as those for copying elements.

    Generic Templates

    Furthermore, the use of generic templates and the use of apply templates is discussed as well as named templates and their calling with call-template.

    XML to XML Transformation

    The transformation of attributes to elements and vice versa is also on the course schedule.

    PDF Transformation

    Finally, we look at transformations from XML to various other formats. In this respect, a separate module is devoted to the transformation language XSL-FO and transformations to PDF.

  • Course XSLT Stylesheets : Training

    Audience Course XSLT Stylesheets

    The course XSLT Stylesheets is intended for Application developers, Web developers and project managers who want to learn XSLT to apply XML formatting and transformation.

    Prerequisites Course XSLT Stylesheets

    Knowledge of HTML and XML syntax is required. Knowledge of the basic concepts of programming is not required but beneficial.

    Realization Training XSLT Stylesheets

    The theory is discussed on the basis of presentation slides. The theory is clarified using demos and interspersed with exercises. The course material is in English. The course times are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification XSLT Stylesheets

    Participants receive an official certificate XSLT Stylesheets after successful completion of the course.

    Course XSLT Stylesheets
  • Course XSLT Stylesheets : Modules

    Module 1 : XSL Intro

    Module 2 : Transformation to HTML

    Module 3 : XPath

    The XSL Family
    What is XSLT?
    What is XPath?
    XSL's Position
    XSLT Stylesheets
    XSLT Versions
    StyleSheet Blueprint
    The XSLT Vocabulary
    Template Rules
    Default Templates
    XSLT Document Structure
    XSLT Processors
    Processors Implementations
    Adding Stylesheets
    Extracting Values from XML
    Navigating the XML Document
    Using Predicates
    Iterating through XML Elements
    Creating HTML Tables
    Absolute and Relative Path
    Conditional Processing
    Accessing Document Parts
    ..// Operator
    Access XML Data with Nodelists
    Internal hyperlinking
    XPath Expressions
    XPath Node Types
    XPath Context
    Location Path Syntax
    XPath Axes
    XPath Operators
    XPath Functions
    Node Tests in XPath
    XML Schema Data Types
    For Expressions
    Conditional Expressions
    Namespace Nodes

    Module 4 : XSLT Variables

    Module 5 : XSLT and XPath Functions

    Module 6 : Transformation to XML

    xsl:variable with Subtree
    Working of xsl:variable
    Variable Scope
    Global Variables
    Changing Variables
    Tracing Output
    Passing Parameters to Templates
    Named Templates
    Calling Templates
    Call by Reference
    Numeric Functions
    String Functions
    Boolean Functions
    Accessor Functions
    Node Functions
    Sequence Functions
    Any Uri Functions
    Context Functions
    Duration and Time Functions
    Error and Trace Functions
    QName Functions
    Regular Expression Functions
    Transformation Language
    Selecting all Elements
    Selection all Attributes
    name function
    Copying Elements
    Multiple Applicable Rules
    mode attribute

    Module 7 : Transformation to Text

    Module 8 : Advanced XSLT

    Module 9 : XSL-FO

    Text Formats
    Plain Text Files
    CSV files
    Transforming JSON
    Handling Entity References
    White Space Handling
    Preserving space
    Stripping Space
    Using Typing
    Strong Typing
    XML Schema Validation
    Temporary Trees
    User-Defined Functions
    Grouping by Value
    Grouping in Sequence
    Multiple Result Trees
    Output Serialization
    Character Mapping
    Character Substitutions
    What is XSL-FO?
    XSL-FO Documents
    Layout Master Set
    Page Sequence Masters
    Page Template Layout
    XSL-FO Areas
    XSL-FO Pages
    Static Content
    Page Sequences
    Tree for Pagination
  • Course XSLT Stylesheets : General

    Read general course information
  • Course XSLT Stylesheets : Reviews

  • Course XSLT Stylesheets : Certificate