Course Web Development with GWT

In the course Web Development with GWT, participants get an overview of the operation and possibilities of the Google Web Toolkit (GWT). The Google Web Toolkit is a framework that allows web developers to write complex JavaScript front-end applications in Java. The GWT compiler takes care of the translation of the Java code to JavaScript.

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  • Course Web Development with GWT : Content

    GWT Intro

    The course Web Development with GWT starts with an explanation of the basic concepts. Attention is paid to how the GWT emphasizes standard procedures for typical web development tasks such as asynchronous remote procedure calls, history management, bookmarking, abstraction of the User Interface, internationalization and cross-browser portability.

    GWT Architecture

    Next the course covers the Google Web Toolkit architecture, the distinction between Development mode and Production mode, the JRE emulation library and deployment of GWT applications.

    Events and Widgets

    Event handling in GWT is also extensively discussed and the GWT GUI class library with various GWT widgets, the event listener model and the use of CSS are treated.

    Layout and Panels

    Also on the program of the course is the layout of the User Interface by means of the various GWT panels or declaratively in XML.


    And part of the subject matter is how single page functionality is implemented in Google Web Toolkit by means of Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) to server objects. GWT serialization is also covered.

    JSNI and Internationalization

    And finally the Java Script Native Interface (JSNI), the communication between Java and JavaScript using JSON and internationalization of GWT applications is treated.

  • Course Web Development with GWT : Training

    Audience Course Web Development with GWT

    The course Web Development with GWT is intended for Java developers who want to create dynamic Web Applications with the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and who want to explore the potential of this framework.

    Prerequisites Course Web Development with GWT

    Knowledge of and experience with Java development and the development of Web applications is required to participate in this course.

    Realization Training Web Development with Google Web Toolkit

    The theory is discussed on the basis of presentations. Demos are used to clarify the theory. There is ample opportunity to do exercises. The course material is in English. The course times are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification Course Web Development with GWT

    Participants receive an official certificate Web Development with GWT after successful completion of the course.

    Course Web Development with GWT
  • Course Web Development with GWT : Modules

    Module 1 : GWT Intro

    Module 2 : GWT Architecture

    Module 3 : GWT Event Handling

    What is GWT?
    Single Page Application Model
    Synchronous versus Asynchronous
    GWT Solution
    Installing GWT
    Eclipse Plugin
    Browser Plugin
    Development Mode
    Production Mode
    Deployed mode
    Creating Projects
    Deploying Applications
    GWT Application Components
    Main GWT Project Configuration
    Entry Point Class
    Module Configuration File
    HTML Host Page
    Project Configuration with RPC
    Compiler Output
    GWT Production Mode
    Running on External Server
    Java to Javascript compiler
    JRE Emulation library
    Deferred Binding
    Basic Widgets
    Common Events
    Checkboxes and Radiobuttons
    Implementing Event Handling
    Event Handler Interface
    Event Handler Classes
    Named Inner Classes
    Anonymous Inner Classes
    Lambda Functions

    Module 4 : Layout with Panels

    Module 5 : Extended GUI Widgets

    Module 6 : GWT RPC

    GWT UI Class Library
    GWT Widgets and Panels
    Root Panel
    Panels for Layout
    HorizontalPanel and VerticalPanel
    FlowPanel and Grid
    Composite Panels
    Popup Messages
    Native Dialog Boxes
    DatePicker Widget
    Date Input Boxes
    MenuBar Widget
    Fancy Text Boxes
    Autocompleter Text Boxes
    Optional Text Box
    Tree Widget
    TabBar Widget
    Custom Widgets
    What is GWT RPC?
    Overall RPC Idea
    RPC Data Types
    GWT Serialization
    Communication with Server
    GWT RPC Mechanism
    GWT Plumbing Diagram
    Service Interface
    Callback Version Service Interface
    Service Servlet
    Service Implementation
    Create Service Proxy
    Client Side Callbacks

    Module 7 : Declarative Layout

    Module 8 : JavaScript Native Interface

    Module 9 : GWT Internationalization

    Java Based Layout Problems
    UiBinder Approach
    HTML-based UiBinder GUIs
    Widget-based UiBinder GUIs
    UI Event Handling with UiBinder
    UiBinder XML syntax
    CSS in UiBinder
    Images in UiBinder
    JavaScript Native Interface (JSNI)
    Where is JSNI used?
    Format of Methods
    $wnd and $doc variables
    Basic JSNI Syntax
    JSNI Arguments and Return Types
    Passing Values
    JSNI Fields and Methods
    JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
    Overlay Types
    Localization of Applications
    GWT Property Files
    Deferred Binding
    Seperate JS files
    String Internationalization
    Local Model
    GWT I18N library
    DateTime Formatting
    Number Formatting
    Setting History Tokens
    Responding to History Tokens
  • Course Web Development with GWT : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Web Development with GWT : Reviews

  • Course Web Development with GWT : Certificate