Course Access Programming with VBA

In the course Access Programming with VBA you will learn to provide the Microsoft Access Database with extra functionality with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Access is a relational database application that is part of the Microsoft Office package. Access uses a graphical interface, which makes it possible for less advanced users to build a database. Access also includes functionality to build a frontend. However with VBA you can add even more functionality to Access.

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  • Modules
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  • Certificate
  • Course Access Programming with VBA : Content

    Intro VBA

    The course VBA Access Programming starts with a discussion of the VBA Editor, entering code and executing the code step by step with the debugger.

    VBA Syntax

    Next the syntax of VBA is discussed with variables, operators, procedures, functions, parameters, objects and modules.

    Control Flow

    Also covered is how to control the output of the code by means of if and else statements, select clauses and for loops. Arrays are then also addressed.


    Events are generated by user interaction such as pressing buttons or entering commands via the keyboard. These events are important for controlling Access and should be handled in event procedures.


    Additionally attention is paid to how you can give forms and reports more functionality with VBA Access.


    Finally the Data Access Object model (DAO) and its properties and functions are discussed. With DAO and VBA information can be retrieved from any Access database and the data can be sorted and filtered. With DAO it is also possible to connect to Access databases from Word and Excel with VBA.

  • Course Access Programming with VBA : Training

    Audience Access Programming with VBA Course

    This course is intended for anyone who wants to learn how to use VBA, Visual Basic for Applications, and the DAO object model in Access to add functionality to forms, reports and databases.

    Prerequisites Course Access Programming with VBA

    Knowledge of and experience with Access is required to participate in this course. Programming experience is beneficial to a proper understanding.

    Realization Training Access Programming with VBA

    The theory is discussed on the basis of presentation slides. Illustrative demos provide further clarification of the concepts. The theory is interspersed with practical exercises.

    Certification Access Programming with VBA

    After successful completion of the course the participants receive an official certificate Access Programming with VBA.

    Course VBA Access Programming
  • Course Access Programming with VBA : Modules

    Module 1 : VBA Intro

    Module 2 : VBA Syntax

    Module 3 : Control flow

    Visual Basic Editor
    Programming in VBA
    Entering Code
    VBA Code
    Stepwise Execution
    If Statements
    Else Statements
    If Then Else
    Select case
    For Next
    Do Loop
    Arrays in VBA
    Multidimensional Arrays
    Dynamic Array Declaration

    Module 4 : Events

    Module 5 : Forms

    Module 6 : DAO

    What are Events?
    Event Types
    Reacting on events
    Handling Events
    Event Functions
    Domain Functions
    MsgBox in VBA
    Data Coupling
    Using Autolookup Queries
    Form Synchronization
    Control Elements and Fields
    Calculated Query Fields
    Commands from Access
    What is DAO?
    Data Access Objects
    Searching Information
    Work Groups
    Record Sets
    Word Database Access
    Excel Database Access
  • Course Access Programming with VBA : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Access Programming with VBA : Reviews

  • Course Access Programming with VBA : Certificate