Course SQL Fundamentals

In the course SQL Fundamentals the widely used and generic query language SQL is discussed. SQL is the abbreviation for Standard Query Language and is an ANSI and ISO standard that can be used in all relational database management systems (DBMS). With SQL you can retrieve data from databases as well as modify data in databases.

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  • Course SQL Fundamentals : Content

    SQL Intro

    The course SQL Fundamentals starts with a treatment of the SQL Standard. The structure of relational databases with tables and their relationships is covered. SQL can be used in many database systems such as Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, Informix, PostgreSQL and more. Almost every DBMS has also added its own extra functions to standard SQL.

    Select Queries

    Next attention is paid to practical skills to write SELECT queries. This also includes clauses such as WHERE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, HAVING, LIKE and BETWEEN .. AND.

    Data Types

    Then it is time for the different data types used in the SQL language such as numeric, binary and string types. The data types related to dates and time are treated. And the SQL CREATE TABLE statement with which tables are created is discussed as well.


    Part of the program of the course is also the treatment of various functions that are part of the SQL Standard. Among others mathematical, conversion and aggregation functions for calculating sum and average are covered.

    Data Manipulation

    Adding and adjusting data by means of INSERT and UPDATE statements is discussed next. And transactions that either become final with commit or are rolled back with rollback are treated.


    Finally attention is paid to what foreign key relationships between tables are and how JOIN queries can be used to retrieve data from related tables.

  • Course SQL Fundamentals : Training

    Audience Course SQL Fundamentals

    The course SQL Fundamentals is aimed at a wide audience of system administrators, end users of Office applications and novice programmers who want to access relational databases efficiently by using queries in Structured Query Language (SQL).

    Prerequisites Course SQL Fundamentals

    To be able to participate in the course SQL Fundamentals some familiarity with database systems is beneficial for the understanding.

    Realization Training SQL Fundamentals

    The theory is treated on the basis of presentations. Demos are used to clarify the theory. There is ample opportunity to practice. The course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certification course SQL Fundamentals

    Participants receive an official certificate SQL Fundamentals after successful completion of the course.

    Course SQL Fundamentals
  • Course SQL Fundamentals : Modules

    Module 1 : SQL Intro

    Module 2 : Select Queries

    Module 3 : SQL Data Definition

    What is SQL?
    History of SQL
    SQL Standard
    SQL Parts
    Relational Databases
    Data Types
    Database Creation
    DDL Create Table
    Data Types
    Language Elements
    DML Insert Into
    SQL Errors
    Select Query
    Query Structure
    Options SELECT .. FROM
    WHERE Clause
    Comparison Operators
    Logical AND and OR
    Aggregate Functions
    LIKE Condition
    BETWEEN .. AND Condition
    IN Condition
    IS NULL Condition
    ORDER BY Clause
    GROUP BY Clause
    HAVING Clause
    CREATE Statements
    Schema and Table Creation
    Data Types
    Numeric Types
    Binary Data Types
    String Data Types
    Temporal Data Types
    Integrity Constraints
    Not Null
    Foreign Keys
    Update and Delete
    Check Constraint
    ALTER Table
    DROP Table

    Module 4 : Functions

    Module 5 : Data Manipulation

    Module 6 : Joins

    Standard Functions
    Mathematical Functions
    String Functions
    Conversion Functions
    Single Row Functions
    Case Manipulation Functions
    Character Manipulation Characters
    Numeric Functions
    Date Functions
    General Functions
    Multiple Row Functions
    Aggregate Functions
    Formatting Numbers
    Insert Statement
    Update Statement
    Updating Table Rows
    Deleting Table Rows
    Deleting and Foreign Keys
    Commit and Rollback
    Implicit rollbacks
    Implicit commits
    Explicit rollbacks
    Explicit commits
    What are Joins?
    ANSI Join Syntax
    Cross Join
    Inner Join
    Table Aliases
    Natural Join
    Left Join
    Right Join
    Full Join
    Full Outer Join
    Left Excluding Join
    Right Excluding Join
    Outer Excluding Join
  • Course SQL Fundamentals : General

    Read general course information
  • Course SQL Fundamentals : Reviews

  • Course SQL Fundamentals : Certificate