Course Spring Boot Development

In the course Spring Boot Development you will learn to develop applications and microservices with Spring Boot in a fast and efficient way. The training covers essential features of Spring Boot such as opinionated Spring Boot Starters, embedded servers, automatic configuration, metrics and externalized configuration.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Spring Boot Development : Content

    Spring Intro

    The course starts with an overview of the most important Spring principles such as loading beans in the bean container and dependency injection.

    Spring Boot

    Subsequently it is discussed how predefined configurations in Spring Boot act as a starting point for a Spring Boot application. Other main components of Spring Boot are also discussed, such as the Autoconfigurator, the Actuator and the Command Line Interface (CLI).

    Dependency Injection

    Dependency injection with its associated annotations such as @Component, @Qualifier, @Repository and @Service is treated in detail. The internal workings of dependency injection based on Java Reflection is also explained.

    Application Configuration

    Also part of the course program are the auto configuration options in Spring Boot. Components can be linked with annotations such as @EnableAutoConfiguration if registered in classes annotated with @Configuration.

    Aspect Orientation

    And Aspect Orientation in Spring Boot is discussed as well. Crosscutting concerns in an application such as security or profiling can thus be included in so called aspects without disrupting the main program flow.

    Spring JDBC and Spring Data

    Database access from Spring Boot applications is covered in the modules Spring JDBC and Spring Data. Various Spring templates that help prevent boilerplate code such as jdbcTemplate and MongoTemplate as well as JPA repositories are discussed.

    Spring REST

    Spring Boot is ideally suited to access REST APIs with compact code. The various annotations that are important here, such as @RestController, @ResponseStatus and @JsonView, are treated.

    Spring Extensions

    Finally various Spring extension projects are covered such as Spring Security and Spring Cloud.

  • Course Spring Boot Development : Training

    Audience Spring Boot Development

    The course Spring Boot Development is intended for experienced Java Developers who want to use Spring Boot for application development.

    Prerequisites Course Spring Boot Development

    Experience with programming in Java and object orientation is required to participate in this course. Basic knowledge of the Spring Framework is beneficial to good understanding.

    Realization Training Spring Boot Development

    The concepts are treated on the basis of presentations and demos. The theory is interspersed with exercises. The course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certification Spring Boot Development

    Participants receive an official certificate Spring Boot Development after successful completion of the course.

    Course Spring Boot Development
  • Course Spring Boot Development : Modules

    Module 1 : Spring Core

    Module 2 : Spring Boot

    Module 3 : Dependency Injection

    Spring Framework Overview
    Spring Configuration
    Spring Dependency Injection
    Non IoC versus IoC
    Application Context
    Beans Life Cycle
    XML Configuration
    Configuration with Annotations
    Component Scanning
    Spring Java Configuration
    Aware Interfaces
    What is Spring Boot?
    Advantages Spring Boot
    Spring Boot Flavors
    Key Spring Boot Components
    Spring Boot Starter
    Starter Dependencies
    Spring Boot Autoconfigurator
    Spring Boot CLI
    Spring Boot Internals
    Spring Boot Actuator
    Non-IoC or Dependency Injection
    Benefits of Dependency Injection
    Constructor Dependency Injection
    Setter Dependency Injection
    Autowiring with @Autowired
    @Qualifier Annotation
    @Component Annotation
    @Repository and @Service
    Bean scopes
    Event Handling

    Module 4 : Application Configuration

    Module 5 : Aspect Orientation

    Module 6 : Spring JDBC

    Configuration Classes
    @Configuration Annotation
    @Bean Annotation
    @Enable Annotations
    Autowiring and Component Scanning
    Wire External Values
    Spring Expression Language
    @Value Annotation
    @PropertySource Annotation
    What is AOP?
    The need for AOP
    Crosscutting Concerns
    Traditional Approach
    Spring AOP
    AOP Concepts
    AOP Key Terms
    Aspects and Weaving
    Pointcuts and Joinpoints
    Spring AOP Configuration
    Spring and JDBC
    JDBC Architecture
    JDBC Drivers and URL’s
    Spring JDBC Data Access
    Spring DAO with JdbcTemplate
    Data Source Injection
    Querying using JdbcTemplate
    Querying and Populating Objects
    Updating with JdbcTemplate

    Module 7 : Spring Data

    Module 8 : Spring REST

    Module 9 : Spring Security

    What is Spring Data?
    Spring Data Configuration
    CRUD Out of the Box
    JPA Repositories
    Persisting and Modifying Entities
    Spring Data Queries
    @Query Annotation
    Named and Async Queries
    Paging Results
    Transaction Handling
    @Transactional Annotation
    MongoDB Template
    Mapping and Inserting Documents
    REST Web Services
    HttpEntity and ResponseEntity
    Default Content Types
    Default Status Codes
    @ResponseStatus and HttpStatus
    Working with XML and JSON
    Multiple Representations
    Filtering with @JsonView
    REST Clients
    Sending HTTP Requests
    Reading Responses
    Spring Security Model
    Process Behind Security Interceptors
    Authentication Manager
    Configuring authentication
    Intercepting URLs
    Security at the method level
    Access Decision Manager
    Security Based on Roles
    Security Based on Identity
    Access Denied Handling
    Securing REST Services
    JSON Web Tokens
    OAuth2 Authentication

    Module 10 : Spring Cloud

    What is Spring Cloud?
    Spring Cloud Config
    Eureka Service
    Spring Cloud Bus
    Spring Cloud Cluster
    Spring Cloud Security
    Spring Cloud Data Flow
    Spring Cloud Connectors
    Spring Cloud Task App Starters
    Spring Cloud Zookeeper
    Spring Cloud CLI
    Spring Cloud Gateway
    Spring Cloud Pipelines
  • Course Spring Boot Development : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Spring Boot Development : Reviews

  • Course Spring Boot Development : Certificate