Course Sass and Less Preprocessing

In the course Sass and Less Preprocessing participants learn the functionalities of the CSS Preprocessors Sass and Less. Preprocessors are script languages ​​that extend the default capabilities of CSS. This makes it possible to use logic in CSS code with variables, nesting, inheritance, mixins, functions and mathematical operations. CSS preprocessors make it easy to automate repetitive tasks and reduce errors.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Sass and Less Preprocessing : Content

    Syntax Sass and Less

    The course starts with a discussion of the basic characteristics of Sass and Less. The Sass syntax with the .scss file extension is discussed. Sass uses standard CSS syntax with braces and semicolons. It is also explained how Less is actually a JavaScript library that requires either NodeJS or compilation using .less files.

    Sass Variables and Types

    Subsequently the variables and types of Sass are discussed and the scope of variables, nested rules and nested properties is explained. And also Sass Plugins are treated.

    Less Variables and Types

    Attention is paid as well to Less variables and types and the syntax of variable interpolation is discussed. The use of mixin's and the parameterization thereof is also part of the program of the course.


    A number of directives can be used in Sass such as @import, @mixin, @include and @extend. The meaning and application of these directives is treated. There is also attention for various Sass functions such as Map, Selector and Introspection.

    Testing Sass and Less

    The course concludes with the subject of testing Sass and Less. This includes the Less Hat, Clearless and 3L libraries.

  • Course Sass and Less Preprocessing : Training

    Audience Course Sass and Less Preprocessing

    The course Sass and Less Preprocessing is intended for Web Designers and Developers who want to use Sass and Less Preprocessing in the development of Web Applications.

    Prerequisites Course Sass and Less Preprocessing

    Knowledge and experience with HTML and the basic principles of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are required.

    Realization Training Sass and Less Preprocessing

    The concepts are discussed on the basis of presentation slides. Demo projects are used to clarify the concepts. The theory and the demos are interchanged with hands-on exercises. Course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certification Sass and Less Preprocessing

    After successful completion of the course participants receive an official certificate Sass and Less Preprocessing.

    Sass and Less Preprocessing course
  • Course Sass and Less Preprocessing : Modules

    Module 1 : CSS Preprocessors

    Module 2 : Sass Variables

    Module 3 : Less Variables

    What is Sass?
    Installing Sass
    CSS Extensions
    Sass Transpilation
    What is Less?
    CSS3 for Styling
    CSS Inheritance
    CSS Cascading
    Compiling Less
    CSS Resets
    Layout in Less
    BEM Methodology
    Variable Syntax
    SCSS Syntax
    Variable Scope
    Sass !global
    Nested Rules
    Nested Properties
    Naming Variables
    Variable Types
    Using Variables
    Variable Interpolation
    Non Staticness
    Declaration Order
    Escaping Values
    Detached Rulesets
    Lazy Loading
    Basic Mixins
    Parametric Mixins
    Default Values

    Module 4 : Sass Directives

    Module 5 : Sass Functions

    Module 6 : Testing Sass and Less

    Importing Files
    Sass @import
    Sass Mixins
    Defining Mixins
    Passing Parameters
    Vendor Prefixes Mixin
    @extend Directive
    String Functions
    Numeric Functions
    List Functions
    join and append
    Map Functions
    Selector Functions
    Introspection Functions
    Color Functions
    Using Developer Tools
    Understanding TDD
    Test Cycle
    Using Style Guides
    Building Style Guides
    Prebuilt Mixins
    Less Hat Library
    SEO Debugging
    HTML Debugging
    Clearless Library
    3L Library
  • Course Sass and Less Preprocessing : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Sass and Less Preprocessing : Reviews

  • Course Sass and Less Preprocessing : Certificate