Course React Fundamentals

In the course React Fundamentals you will learn to use the open source ReactJS JavaScript library for the development of modern Single Page Applications. React is ideally suited for building User Interface components. React is lightning fast because changes are made to the Virtual DOM after which the browser's DOM gets an update by comparison. The most recent version of React is used in the course.

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  • Course React Fundamentals : Content

    React Components

    React has a programming model where child component do not influence parent components in an update, providing a clean separation of components in a single-page application.

    Virtual DOM

    After introducing the main characteristics of React such as the Virtual DOM, JSX, component renderers and callback functions, it is discussed how to create a first React app with the right combination of developer tooling like React, Webpack and Babel.


    React uses the functional programming style whose main characteristics in JavaScript are highlighted. Next attention is paid to React Views that put a nested component tree with HTML custom tags on the screen. The creation of components with the JavaScript extension JSX is discussed as well.

    Routing en Forms

    Also Forms, Validation and Routing in React Applications are on the course schedule.


    Finally the use of the Redux Framework that is often used in combination with React is discussed.

  • Course React Fundamentals : Training

    Audience React Fundamentals Course

    Developers who want to learn how to program with the ReactJS JavaScript library for building modern state of the art web applications.

    Prerequisites Course React Fundamentals

    Experience with programming in a modern programming language is required. Knowledge and experience with JavaScript is beneficial for a good understanding.

    Realization Training React Programming

    The theory is treated on the basis of presentation slides. The concepts are illustrated with demos. The theory is interspersed with exercises. The course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certification React Fundamentals

    The participants receive an official certificate React Fundamentals after successful completion of the course.

    Cursus React Fundamentals
  • Course React Fundamentals : Modules

    Module 1 : React Intro

    Module 2 : Components

    Module 3 : Composition and LifeCycle

    What is React?
    React Features
    Benefits of React
    Virtual DOM
    Webpack Module Builder
    Webpack Features
    ES6 Features
    Benefits of Redux
    React Scripts
    React Components
    JSX Component
    React and JSX
    JSX versus JavaScript
    Single Root
    JSX XSS Protection
    Props Collection
    Props in Variables
    List of Props Types
    Default Props
    Rendering State
    Composing Components
    Refs and DOM
    Components with Behavior
    Pass State Update
    Accessing Child Components
    Mounting and Unmounting
    Components Lifecycle
    Updating Events
    Dynamic Tables
    ReadOnly and ReadWrite
    Higher Order Components

    Module 4 : Forms and Validation

    Module 5 : React Routing

    Module 6 : Redux Framework

    Forms in React
    Controlled Components
    Uncontrolled Components
    Textarea Tag
    Select Tag
    Field Level Validation
    Form Level Validation
    Submit Handlers
    Defining Routes
    Default Route
    Not Found Route
    Nesting and Params
    Multiple Params
    Include External Routes
    Running the Router
    Using Universal Rendering
    Access Router Methods
    React with Redux
    Three Principles
    Redux Flow
    Connecting to React
    Data Flow
    Async Flow
  • Course React Fundamentals : General

    Read general course information
  • Course React Fundamentals : Reviews

  • Course React Fundamentals : Certificate