Course Reactive Programming with RxJS

The course Secure C# Web Development covers how C# web applications can be optimally secured and the best practices therein. Attention is paid to the top 10 OWASP security vulnerabilities, their consequences, their prevention and also how security can be implemented programmatically.

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  • Certificate
  • Course Reactive Programming with RxJS : Content

    Intro Security

    The course Secure C# Web Development starts with a discussion of the main security risks as identified by the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP).

    Broken Access Control

    Subsequently security risks associated with access control through authentication and authorization are treated. Role Based Access Control, Access Control Lists and the implementation of Session Management are the topics that are covered.

    Cryptographic Failures

    Security problems with encryption are also on the course schedule. Attention is paid to problems with the use of weak keys, hard coding of secrets, insufficient verification of signatures and possible side-channel attacks.

    Injection risks

    An important security threat is the various forms of injection that are lurking. SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting and XPath injection are discussed, as well as prevention measures.

    Incorrect Design

    Then attention is paid to security problems that are the result of incorrect design, such as the lack of input validation and unsafe session management. Insufficient protection against Cross Site Request Forgery is treated as well.

    Configuration Errors

    Errors in the configuration can lead to security problems also. Various examples of this, such as the use of default credentials and weak password policies, are covered.

    Obsolete Components

    Security risks resulting from components that are no longer up to date, incorrectly configured or malicious packages and cryptographic weaknesses, are also on the program of the course Secure C# Web Development.

    Authentication errors

    Attention is also paid to common errors in authentication, such as weak password policies, overly permissive access controls and the lack of multi-factor authentication. And finally security flaws in monitoring and logging are discussed.

  • Course Reactive Programming with RxJS : Training

    Audience Course Reactive Programming with RxJS

    The course Reactive Programming with RxJS is intended for JavaScript Developers who want to learn how to use the reactive RxJS library in frontend applications.

    Prerequisites Course Reactive Programming with RxJS

    Experience with JavaScript and Web Applications is required to participate in this course. Knowledge of how asynchronous code works helps with understanding.

    Realization Training Reactive Programming with RxJS

    The course Reactive Programming with RxJS is a hands-on course. Theory is interchanged with demos and practical exercises and is explained with the use of presentation slides.

    Certification course Reactive Programming with RxJS

    After successfully completing the training, attendants will receive a certificate of participation in the course Reactive Programming with RxJS.

    Reactive Programming with RxJS
  • Course Reactive Programming with RxJS : Modules

    Module 1 : Intro Reactive Programming

    Module 2 : RxJS Fundamentals

    Module 3 : RxJS Operators

    What is Reactive Programming?
    What is Reactive?
    Reactive Systems
    Reactive Manifesto
    What is Reactive Programming?
    Rx Library Family
    Observing Streams
    Reactive Extensions
    Subscribing to Observables
    Rx Operators
    Asynchronous Listening
    Observer Pattern
    Why Reactive Programming?
    Functional Reactive Programming
    RxJS Intro
    Observable and Observer
    Observer next Callback
    Observer error Callback
    Observer complete Callback
    Subscribe and Unsubscribe
    Operators in RxJS
    of and map Operators
    pipe, filter and map
    bufferWhen Operator
    Handling HTTP Requests
    switchMap Operator
    Combining Observables
    RxJS Subjects
    Unicasting and Multicasting
    Observables with from
    map and map Properties
    interval, filter and of
    startWith and endWith
    take and takeUntil
    bufferCount and bufferTime
    tap or do
    catch or catcherror

    Module 4 : Combination Operators

    merge and mergeAll
    mergeMap or flatMap
    Why mergeMap?
    Why switchMap?
    concat and zip
    iif and share
  • Course Reactive Programming with RxJS : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Reactive Programming with RxJS : Reviews

  • Course Reactive Programming with RxJS : Certificate