Course Queries with MySQL

In the course Queries with MySQL participants learn the syntax and use of the query language SQL in the context of a MySQL database. SQL or Standard Query Language is an ANSI and ISO standard of which the basic syntax can be used in all relational database management systems (DBMS). There are however differences in the SQL implementations and this course focuses specifically on SQL in MySQL.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Queries with MySQL : Content

    MySQL Intro

    The course starts with an introduction of relational databases, the installation of MySQL and available tooling such as the MySQL Workbench. Also discussed are the different storage engines and the available connectors.

    SQL Standard

    Next the SQL Standard is discussed. Step by step the different parts of SQL such as Data Definition Language with CREATE TABLE, Data Manipulation Language with INSERT and UPDATE are treated.

    Data Definition

    Attention is then paid to the creation and manipulation of database tables with Primary Keys, Auto Increment, Indexes and Constraints on Columns. The relationship between tables with Foreign keys is also treated. And changing the table structure with ALTER TABLE and deleting tables with DROP is on the course program as well.

    Data Manipulation

    Next Data Manipulation with INSERT and UPDATE Queries is discussed. The course content also deals with passing parameters to queries by means of Prepared Statements.

    Select and Grouping

    Retrieving data with SELECT queries is a central part of the course program. The various clauses of SELECT such as FROM, WHERE, ORDER BY, BETWEEN, LIKE are covered. Also grouping data by means of GROUP and HAVING clauses is treated.


    MySQL also has many functions that can be applied to perform calculations on data and to filter data. In addition to the standard SQL functions, the many MySQL specific functions are covered.


    Next the course program discusses how to combine data from different tables by means of joins. MySQL has many types of joins to combine data from tables and many of them are covered.

    Advanced Topics

    Finally attention is paid to the application of SET operators such as UNION and INTERSECT and the discussion of transactions with commits and rollbacks and stored procedures.

  • Course Queries with MySQL : Training

    Audience Course Queries with MySQL

    The course Queries with MySQL is designed for developers, database administrators and other interested parties who wish to learn and use MySQL SQL.

    Prerequisites Course Queries with MySQL

    This course has no specific requirements. General knowledge of system development and databases is beneficial to a good understanding.

    Realization Training Queries with MySQL

    The theory is treated on the basis of presentation slides. Demos are used to explain the theory. There is ample opportunity to practice. The course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certification Queries with MySQL

    Participants receive an official certificate Queries with MySQL after successful completion of the course.

    Course Oracle SQL Fundamentals
  • Course Queries with MySQL : Modules

    Module 1 : MySQL Introduction

    Module 2 : SQL Introduction

    Module 3 : Data Definition

    MySQL Database
    MySQL Installation
    MySQL versus MariaDB
    MySQL Admin
    Database View
    MySQL Storage Engines
    mysql Prompt
    MySQL Notifier
    Available Connectors
    MySQL versions
    MySQL Documentation
    SQL Foundations
    SQL Standard
    Primary Keys
    Foreign Keys
    SQL Query Types
    DDL Queries
    DML Queries
    MySQL Data Types
    Numeric Data Types
    String Data Types
    Date and Time Types
    Unique Constraint
    MySQL Sequences
    Column Attributes
    Auto Increment Columns
    AUTO_INCREMENT attribute
    NOT NULL Attribute
    KEY and INDEX

    Module 4 : Data Manipulation

    Module 5 : SQL Queries

    Module 6 : Grouping

    Data Manipulation Language
    Transaction Control
    Inserting Rows
    INSERT Statement
    Prepared Statements
    Updating Rows
    UPDATE Statement
    Check Constraint
    DELETE statement
    Renaming Tables
    Locking Tables
    Selecting Rows
    SELECT Statement
    FROM Clause
    Specifying Conditions
    WHERE Clause
    Sorting with ORDER BY
    Removing Doubles
    BETWEEN and IN
    ANY Clause
    ALL Clause
    Using LIKE
    GROUP BY Clause
    Filtering Groups
    Group by Single Column
    Group By More Columns
    HAVING Clause
    String Operators
    Date Operators
    Concatenate Operator
    MySQL IF Statement
    MySQL CASE Statement
    IF versus CASE

    Module 7 : Functions

    Module 8 : Joins

    Module 9 : Advanced Topics

    MySQL Aggregate Functions
    STD Functions
    MySQL String Functions
    Control Flow Functions
    Date and Time Functions
    Conversion Functions
    MySQL String Length
    Cast Operation
    Joining Multiple Tables
    ANSI Join Syntax
    Normal Joins
    Natural Join
    Left Join
    Right Join
    Full Join
    Full Outer Join
    Inner Join
    ANSI Outer Join
    Cross Join
    Multiple Join Conditions
    Combining Results
    SET Operatoren
    UNION without Alias
    Transaction Control
    Commit and Rollback
    Implicit rollbacks
    Implicit commits
    Stored Procedures
    Passing Parameters
  • Course Queries with MySQL : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Queries with MySQL : Reviews

  • Course Queries with MySQL : Certificate