Course Queries with Microsoft SQL Server

In the course Queries with Microsoft SQL Server, participants learn the syntax and use of the query language SQL in the context of a Microsoft SQL Server database. SQL is an ANSI and ISO standard Query language that is applicable in all relational database management systems (DBMS). With SQL you can both retrieve and modify data in Microsoft SQL.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Queries with Microsoft SQL Server : Content

    SQL Intro

    After an introduction to relational databases, the SQL standard and Microsoft SQL, the Microsoft SQL Server installation, environment and tooling are discussed. Like other DBMS systems, Microsoft SQL Server has added extra features of its own to standard SQL and these are also discussed in the course.

    SQL Data Definition

    In the first place, it will be discussed how SQL statements can be created and executed in Microsoft SQL Server. Subsequently, the various components of SQL are discussed step-by-step, such as Data Definition Language with CREATE TABLE and Data Manipulation Language with INSERT and UPDATE.

    SQL Select Queries

    Next attention is paid to writing SELECT queries. This includes clauses such as WHERE, ORDER BY, LIKE and BETWEEN .. AND. The grouping of data by means of GROUP and HAVING clauses is also on the program of the course.

    SQL Functions

    The various standard SQL functions are also discussed. Among other things, the mathematical, conversion and aggregation functions for calculating sum and average are treated. Attention is also paid to Microsoft SQL Server specific functions for table expressions, window ranking and pivoting.


    Microsoft SQL Server supports referential and transactional integrity. In that respect, the relationship between primary and foreign keys and restrictive and cascading foreign keys is covered. The course will also discuss how Microsoft SQL Server handles transactions, the commit and rollback statements and how to prevent data corruption in Microsoft SQL Server.


    Next it is covered how to combine data from different tables by means of joins. The various types of joins such as inner joins, left outer joins, right joins, right outer joins and full outer joins are discussed. Finally, attention is paid to the application of SET operators such as UNION and INTERSECT and the command line interface of Microsoft SQL Server is also treated.

  • Course Queries with Microsoft SQL Server : Training

    Audience Course Queries with Microsoft SQL Server

     The course Queries with Microsoft SQL Server is designed for developers, database administrators and other interested parties who wish to learn and use Microsoft SQL.

    Prerequisites Course Queries with Microsoft SQL Server

    This course has no specific requirements. General knowledge of system development and databases is beneficial to a good understanding.

    Realization Training Queries with Microsoft SQL Server

    The theory is treated on the basis of presentation slides. Demos are used to explain the theory. There is ample opportunity to practice. The course works with the newest Microsoft SQL Server version but is also suitable for other Microsoft SQL Server versions. The course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certification Queries with Microsoft SQL Server

    Participants receive an official certificate Queries with Microsoft SQL Server after successful completion of the course.

    Course Queries with Microsoft SQL
  • Course Queries with Microsoft SQL Server : Modules

    Module 1 : Microsoft SQL Server Intro

    Module 2 : SQL Introduction

    Module 3 : Data Definition

    DBMS Systems
    Types of Database Models
    Entities and relationships
    Relational databases
    MS SQL Server tools
    Installing MS SQL Server
    SQL Server versions
    SQL Foundations
    Transact SQL
    Connection Navigator
    Creating and Using Connections
    Data Types
    Statements and execution
    Table Expressions
    Stored Procedures
    Specifying Columns
    NULL and Default Values
    Virtual Columns

    Module 4 : Data Manipulatie

    Module 5 : SQL Queries

    Module 6 : Grouping

    Data Manipulation Language
    Transaction control
    Inserting rows
    INSERT statement
    Updating rows
    UPDATE statement
    DELETE statement
    DML on virtual columns
    Selecting rows
    SELECT statement
    FROM clause
    Specifying conditions
    WHERE clause
    Sorting with ORDER BY
    Removing Doubles
    GROUP BY clause
    Filtering groups
    HAVING clause
    String and Date Operators
    Concatenate operator
    Window Ranking
    Offset Functions
    Operators for intervals

    Module 7 : Functions

    Module 8 : Joins

    Module 9 : SET Operators

    Function of column values
    Using functions
    SELECT clause functions
    WHERE clause functions
    GROUP BY clause functions
    HAVING clause functions
    ORDER BY clause functions
    String and Arithmetic functions
    Date and Conversion functions
    National Language Support
    Implementing Pivoting
    Joining Multiple Tables
    Normal Joins
    Outer Join
    Inner join
    Natural join
    ANSI outer join
    Cross join
    Multiple join conditions
    Sub Queries
    Error Handling
    SET Operatoren
    Nesting of SET operators
    Grouping Sets
    Connect statement
    SQL buffer
    Storing statements
    Spool files
    Transaction control
  • Course Queries with Microsoft SQL Server : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Queries with Microsoft SQL Server : Reviews

  • Course Queries with Microsoft SQL Server : Certificate