
Course Puppet Configuration Management

In the course Puppet Configuration Management participants learn to use the open source configuration management tool Puppet to manage a complex infrastructure of physical and virtual machines. Puppet uses Ruby to translate the infrastructure into code for easy configuration. Puppet follows the client-server model, where one puppet master machine in a cluster acts as a server and the others as slaves on nodes.

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  • Modules
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  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Puppet Configuration Management : Content

    Puppet Architecture

    The course starts with a discussion of the Puppet Architecture and the Ruby DSL language. This includes how configurations are defined and how deployment can be automated. The difference between Push Based Deployment and Pull Based Deployment is discussed.

    Puppet Components

    Subsequently the components of Puppet and how they work together are explained, such as the Puppet Master, Puppet Agents and Puppet Modules. Attention is also paid to the Configuration Catalog and the Config Repository and to the role of the manifest, templates and static files.

    Puppet Resources

    Then Puppet Resources such as Files, Users, Services and Processes are discussed. The distinction between the various Resource Types such as Built-in Resource Types, Puppet Defined Resources and Custom Resource Types is also treated.

    Puppet Configuratie

    Also part of the course program are the Puppet configuration file Puppet.conf and the various Puppet Commands such as the commands describe, schedule, service and mount. Working with classes as reusable units in Puppet with implementation hiding, iterator functions and events is discussed afterwards.

    Puppet and Containers

    Finally the course ends by explaining the use of Puppet in combination with containers. Then Docker, Vagrant, Kubernetes and Docker Swarm are treated.

  • Course Puppet Configuration Management : Training

    Audience Course Puppet Configuration Management

    The course Puppet Configuration Management is intended for system administrators and devops engineers who want to automate system management and application deployment with Puppet.

    Prerequisites Course Puppet Configuration Management

    General experience with system management in an IT infrastructure and knowledge of the Ruby programming language is beneficial for the understanding.

    Realization Training Puppet Configuration Management

    The subject matter is discussed on the basis of presentation slides and demos. The theory is interchanged with exercises. The course material is in English. Course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certification Puppet Configuration Management

    After successful completion of the course the participants receive an official certificate Puppet Configuration Management.

    Course Puppet Configuration Management
  • Course Puppet Configuration Management : Modules

    Module 1 : Puppet Intro

    Module 2 : Puppet Components

    Module 3 : Puppet Resources

    What is Puppet?
    Managing Infrastructure
    Puppet Setup
    Ruby DSL Language
    Deployment Automation
    Deployment Models
    Push Based Deployment
    Pull Based Deployment
    Resource Abstraction Layer
    Cross Platform
    Puppet Workflow
    Defining Configurations
    Puppet Master
    Puppet Agents
    Puppet Modules
    Reusable Units
    Puppet Resources
    Configuration Catalog
    Config Repository
    Puppet Classes
    Static Files
    Facter and Facts
    Resource Types
    Built-in Resource Types
    Puppet Defined Resources
    Files and Users
    Services and Processes
    Resource Title
    Resource Tasks
    Listing Resources
    Attributes and Values
    Testing Resources
    Custom Resource Types
    Resource Parameters

    Module 4 : Puppet Commands

    Module 5 : Puppet Classes

    Module 6 : Puppet and Containerization

    Settings Lines
    Setting Variables
    Environment Timeout
    Sign Request
    resource Command
    describe Command
    schedule Command
    service Command
    mount Command
    cron Command
    Class Syntax
    Defining Classes
    Declaring Classes
    Differences with OOP
    Bundling Resources
    Reusable Units
    Implementation Hiding
    Passing Events
    Iterator Functions
    Parameterized Classes
    include Keyword
    Vagrant and Docker
    Docker Hub
    Docker File
    Automated Builds
    The Puppet Forge
    Creating a puppetfile
    Puppet Manifest
    Puppet Module Generator
    Using .erb Files
    Containers Schedulers
    Kubernetes and Docker Swarm
  • Course Puppet Configuration Management : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Puppet Configuration Management : Reviews

  • Course Puppet Configuration Management : Certificate