Course Oracle PL-SQL Programming

In the course PL-SQL Programming participants learn to program in PL-SQL, Oracle's procedural programming language. PL-SQL is similar to the query language SQL, but extends the possibilities of SQL and improves performance. This course focuses on the latest version of Oracle, but where necessary, features of older versions are specially indicated.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Oracle PL-SQL Programming : Content

    PL-SQL Intro

    The course Oracle PL/SQL Programming starts with a discussion of the presence
    of PL-SQL in the various Oracle tools. The advantages of using PL-SQL are explained.

    PL-SQL Syntax

    Attention is then paid to the syntax of PL-SQL, the structure of PL-SQL programs and to statements, declarations and expressions.

    Control Flow

    Control flow in PL-SQL with if else and case statements and the various loop constructions are also covered.


    Then the course proceeds with explaining what cursors are and how they are used when accessing the database. Implicit cursors and cursor attributes are then treated.


    Attention is also paid to PL-SQL transactions. This involves executing or reversing an atomic set of SQL data manipulation statements in their entirety using commit or rollback.

    Error Handling

    Furthermore error and exception handling in PL-SQL are covered. Allowing exceptions and error parameters to occur are part of the course.

    Procedures and Functions

    Some more advanced topics such as the creation and calling of local and stored procedures are discussed as well.


    The use of packages that group related PL-SQL types, variables and subprograms is also on the program of the course Oracle PL/SQL Programming.


    Finally attention is paid to triggers. Triggers are programs that are automatically fired when certain events occur.

  • Course Oracle PL-SQL Programming : Training

    Audience Oracle PL-SQL Programming Course

    The course Oracle PL-SQL Programming is designed for developers who want to use PL-SQL in applications that access an Oracle database.

    Prerequisites Course Oracle PL-SQL Programming

    In order to participate in the course Oracle PL-SQL Programming knowledge of and experience with the SQL query language is required for this course. Experience with programming in a procedural programming language is beneficial to the understanding.

    Realization Training Oracle PL-SQL Programming

    The theory is treated on the basis of presentation slides. Demos are used to explain the theory. There is ample opportunity to practice and theory and exercises are alternated.

    Certificate Oracle PL-SQL Programming

    Attendants receive a certificate of participation in Oracle PL-SQL Programming after successful completion of the course.

    Course Oracle PL-SQL Programming
  • Course Oracle PL-SQL Programming : Modules

    Module 1 : PL-SQL Intro

    Module 2 : PL-SQL Syntax

    Module 3 : Control Flow

    What is PL-SQL
    Strenght of PL/SQL
    Basic Concepts
    Procedural possibilities
    Enhanced performance
    Oracle Suppport tools
    Oracle Specifics
    SQL Developer
    PL-SQL Structure
    %TYPE and %ROWTYPE
    IF-THEN-ELSE statement
    CASE statements
    WHILE loops
    FOR loops with index
    FOR loops with cursor
    Infinite loops
    Nested blocks

    Module 4 : Cursors

    Module 5 : Transactions

    Module 6 : Error Handling

    Implicit cursor
    Query with SELECT INTO
    Query with cursor
    FOR loops with cursor
    Cursor attributes
    Transaction in PL-SQL
    Queries for Changes
    Autonomous Transactions
    Read Consistency
    Self Defined Records

    Module 7 : Procedures and functions

    Module 8 : Packages

    Module 9 : Triggers

    Local versus stored procedures
    DEFAULT values
    Removing procedures
    Local and stored functions
    Functions in SQL
    Remote dependencies
    Benefits of Packages
    Package specification
    Package body
    Calling a function in SQL
    Removing Packages
    NDS Packages
    Standard packages for SQL
    Statement triggers
    Row triggers
    Trigger Limitations
    Data integrity
    Cascading triggers
    System Event en DDL-triggers
    Triggers on user logon and logoff
    Shutdown and startup triggers
  • Course Oracle PL-SQL Programming : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Oracle PL-SQL Programming : Reviews

  • Course Oracle PL-SQL Programming : Certificate