Course Mean Stack Programming

In the course MEAN Stack Programming participants learn to develop full stack web applications with MongoDB, Express, Angular and NodeJS (MEAN). With the MEAN stack and the underlying technologies, high-quality full stack web applications can be developed that are only based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Mean Stack Programming : Content

    Mean Stack

    The course starts with an overview of Full Stack Web Development and the architecture of the MEAN stack. The NodeJS ecosystem is explained with the npm package manager for dependency management of packages, modules and Global Objects. The principles of Single Page Applications (SPA) that are based on Ajax technology are also discussed.


    Next the server side JavaScript library NodeJS is treated in more detail. Attention is paid to the central NodeJS event loop, the difference between synchronous and asynchronous calls and the use of promises instead of callbacks.

    Express Framework

    Then attention is paid to the Express Framework, which consists of a number of node modules that create a server side web application framework. An Express Server actually consists of three components, the router, the routes and middleware components.

    REST Services

    It is explained how Express responds to the HTTP protocol and acts as a REST server. The principles of REST services are treated where content is served based on URL patterns and HTTP verbs such as GET, POST and PUT.


    The latest version of the Angular JavaScript Frontend Framework for SPA applications is also part of the program of the course. Angular Routing, Typescript and Angular Forms are treated here.


    Finally the MongoDB database for NoSQL data storage on the server is discussed as well as the creation of MongoDB collections and the execution of queries.

  • Course Mean Stack Programming : Training

    Audience Course Mean Stack Programming

    The course Mean Stack Programming is designed for Web Developers who want to use the Mean Stack with MongoDB, Express, Angular and NodeJS to develop modern single page Web Applications.

    Prerequisites Course Mean Stack Programming

    Experience with JavaScript programming and a good knowledge of JavaScript is required to participate in this course.

    Realization Training Mean Stack Programming

    The theory is discussed on the basis of presentation slides. The concepts are explained with demos. The theory is interchanged with exercises. Course times are from 9:30 am to 16:30 pm.

    Official Certificate Mean Stack Programming

    After successful completion of the course participants receive an official certificate Mean Stack Programming.

    Course Mean Stack Programming
  • Course Mean Stack Programming : Modules

    Module 1 : Mean Stack Intro

    Module 2 : NodeJS

    Module 3 : Express Framework

    Full Stack Development
    Mean Stack Architecture
    NodeJS and nmp
    NodeJS Ecosystem
    Using Packages
    Global Objects
    NodeJS Module System
    NoSQL Databases
    Single Page Applications
    Angular Framework
    MVC Patterm
    Node’s Event Loop
    Interleaving Events
    Synchronous versus Asynchronous
    Blocking versus Non Blocking
    Using Callbacks
    Synchronous Mode
    Asynchrony with Callbacks
    Node Events
    Callback versus Events
    EventEmitter Class
    Emitting Once
    Asynchrony with Promises
    Node Web Server
    Node Web Client
    What is Express?
    Important Modules
    Request Properties
    Request Methods
    Response Properties
    Response Methods
    Basic Routing
    Serving Static Files
    Get and Post Method
    File Upload
    Cookies Management

    Module 4 : Rest Services

    Module 5 : Angular Framework

    Module 6 : TypeScript

    REST Web Services
    REST Principles
    ID and Links
    Multiple Representation
    Common REST Patterns
    Resource URI Access Patterns
    JSON versus XML
    List Users API
    Add User API
    Path Parameters
    Delete API
    Bootstrapping Angular
    Displaying data
    Using Directives
    Dependency Injection
    Data Binding
    Input and Outputs
    Angular Services
    Weak Typing in JavaScript
    Strong Typing in TypeScript
    ECMAScript Standard
    Using Built-in Types
    Inferred Typing
    Explicit Casting
    Sync and await

    Module 7 : Routing

    Module 8 : Forms

    Module 9 : MongoDB

    Angular Routes
    Routing Configuration
    Route Comparison
    Routing Parameters
    Configuring routes
    Linking to Routes
    Child routes
    Sibling routes
    Lazy Loading Routes
    Template Driven Forms
    Model-driven Forms
    Tracking Changes by CSS
    Error Messages
    Custom Validators
    Asynchronous Validators
    Mongoose Node Module
    Mongoose Schema's
    ObjectID Schema Type
    Mongoose Models
    Create Database in MongoDB
    Create Collection
    Insert into Collection
    Insert Multiple Documents
    Find One, All or Some
  • Course Mean Stack Programming : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Mean Stack Programming : Reviews

  • Course Mean Stack Programming : Certificate