Course Linux Shell Scripting

In the course Linux Shell Scripting participants learn to write shell scripts in a Linux environment. The participants learn to write scripts with script commands, special characters, regular expressions and I/O redirection. Central in the course is the Bash shell.

  • Content
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  • Modules
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  • Certificate
  • Course Linux Shell Scripting : Content

    Intro Shell Scripting

    The Linux Shell Scripting course starts with an explanation of the basic principles of shell scripts. Shell scripts are typically small programs that are executed by a command line interpreter. System administrators often use shell scripts for operations such as file manipulation, program execution and text printing.

    Executing Commands

    In the course it is explained how to run shell scripts with the exec and fork commands. Furthermore, the syntax of shell scripts is treated. And also the differences between the various shells such as the Bourne, C, Korn and Bash shell are reviewed.

    Bash Environment

    Special attention is paid to the Bash shell. The various profiles, the setting of local and global variables and the export of variables are discussed. And also command substitution and shell expansion are covered.

    Regular Expressions

    Then regular expressions, which are ideally suited for pattern matching, are treated. The syntax of regular expressions and the meaning of the various special characters is explained.

    sed and awk

    Attention is also paid to the sed batch editor and the awk report generator. The sed batch editor allows the creation and modification of a text file to be handled automatically.

    Control Flow

    Subsequently the Linux Shell Scripting course discusses control flow with conditionals and loops and reading and writing files. The participants also learn to process the input of users in scripts with command line parameters, options and redirection.


    Finally calling and writing functions, passing parameters and collecting return values ​​is on the course program.

  • Course Linux Shell Scripting : Training

    Audience Linux Shell Scripting Course

    The course Linux Shell Scripting is intended for administrators, developers and testers who want to learn how to write and understand shell scripts in a Linux environment.

    Prerequisites Course Linux Shell Scripting

    To participate in this course general knowledge of computers and operating systems is required. Programming experience is beneficial for a good understanding.

    Realization Training Linux Shell Scripting

    The theory is treated on the basis of presentations. The concepts are illustrated with demos. The theory is interspersed with exercises. The course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certification course Linux Shell Scripting

    The participants receive an official certificate Linux Shell Scripting after successful completion of the course.

    Course Linux Shell Scripting
  • Course Linux Shell Scripting : Modules

    Module 1 : Shell Scripting Intro

    Module 2 : Executing Commands

    Module 3 : Bash Environment

    What are shell scripts?
    Types of shells
    Bourne Shell
    C Shell
    Korn Shell
    Bash shell
    Bash Startup Files
    Interactive Shells
    Conditionals and Arrays
    Shell Arithmetic
    Directory Stack
    Fork and Exec
    Built-in Commands
    Creating Script Files
    Shell Syntax
    Shell Functions
    Shell Parameters
    Shell Expansions
    Init Script
    Writing Scripts
    Executing Scripts
    Debugging Scripts
    Shell Initialization Files
    /etc/profile and /etc/bashrc
    User Configuration Files
    /.bash_profile, /.bash_login and /.bash_logout
    Global Variables and Local Variables
    Exporting Variables
    Reserved Variables
    Special Parameters
    Shell Expansion
    Command Substitution
    Bash Options

    Module 4 : Regular Expressions

    Module 5 : sed and awk

    Module 6 : Conditionals

    What is Grep?
    Grep and Regular Expressions
    Pattern Matching
    Meta Characters
    Repetition Operators
    Line Anchors
    Word Anchors
    Single Character Match
    Character Ranges
    Range Expressions
    Character Classes
    What is sed?
    sed Commands
    Interactive Editing
    Deleting Lines
    Range of Lines
    Non-Interactive Editing
    Using sed in Scripts
    What is awk?
    Print Selected Fields
    Formatting Fields
    Special Patterns
    awk Scripts and Variables
    Selection Statements
    if-then-else Statement
    Checking Files
    Checking shell Options
    Testing exit Status
    String Comparisons
    Nesting if's
    Boolean Operations
    The test Command
    Compound Condition Testing
    case Command
    Initscript with case

    Module 7 : Interactive Scripts

    Module 8 : Repetitive Tasks

    Module 9 : Functions

    Displaying Messages
    echo Built-in
    Escape Sequences
    read Built-in
    Prompt for User Input
    File Descriptors
    Redirection of Errors
    File I/O
    Closing File Descriptors
    Here Documents
    Iteration Statements
    for Statement
    while Statement
    until Statement
    Loop control
    Output Redirection
    Input Redirection
    Break and Continue
    select Built-in
    shift Built-in
    Function Syntax
    Function Parameters
    Positional Parameters
    return Built-in
    Variables in Functions
    Array Variables and Functions
    Functions on Command Line
    Catching Signals
    Signals with kill
    Handling traps
  • Course Linux Shell Scripting : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Linux Shell Scripting : Reviews

  • Course Linux Shell Scripting : Certificate