Course Laravel Framework Programming

In the course Laravel Framework Programming participants learn how to build modern PHP applications with the state of the art Laravel Framework.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Laravel Framework Programming : Content

    Laravel Intro

    Laravel has evolved in recent years into one of the most popular PHP frameworks. This is due to the ease of use, the expressive syntax, the dependency injection mechanism and directly deployable components.

    Laravel's Routing Architecture

    In this course you will learn to install Laravel and prepare an environment for application development. Laravel's routing architecture is discussed, the handling of requests and the generation of responses.

    MVC, Forms en Validatie

    Also Laravel's Model View Controller architecture as well as Forms and validation are treated next.

    Database Access en Object Relational Mapping met Eloquent

    The attention then goes to database access in Laravel and Object Relational Mapping with Laravel's Eloquent ORM.

    Authenticatie en Security

    Finally advanced topics such as authentication and security are discussed. At the end of the course the participants have gone through various case studies with Laravel and they are able to create robust Web sites with Laravel.

  • Course Laravel Framework Programming : Training

    Audience Course Laravel Framework Programming

    PHP developers who want to develop robust and maintainable Web Applications with the Laravel PHP Framework.

    Prerequisites Course Laravel Framework Programming

    Experience with PHP Programming and Web Development with PHP is required to participate in this course.

    Realization Training Laravel Framework Programming

    The theory is treated on the basis of presentation slides. The concepts are illustrated with demos. The theory is interspersed with exercises. The course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certification Laravel Framework Programming

    The participants receive an official certificate Laravel Framework Programming after successful completion of the course.

    Course Laravel Framework Programming
  • Course Laravel Framework Programming : Modules

    Module 1 : Laravel Intro

    Module 2 : Routing

    Module 3 : Controllers and Filters

    Laravel Installation
    Creating a Laravel project
    Laravel Structure Overview
    Project Structure
    MVC Pattern
    Dependency Injection
    Lavarel Versions
    Introducing Composer
    Using Homestead
    Laravel Request Lifecycle
    Basic Routing
    Route Parameters
    Restricting Parameters
    Handling HTTP Exceptions
    Returning Responses
    View Data
    Custom Responses
    Resource Controllers
    Blade Templates
    Creating Controllers
    Controller Routing
    Controller to Command
    Command to Event
    Queued Event Handlers
    Nested Controllers
    Route Caching
    RESTful Controllers
    Basic Filters
    Multiple Filters
    Filter Classes
    Global Filters

    Module 4 : Forms and Validation

    Module 5 : Database Access

    Module 6 : Eloquent ORM

    Master Template
    Forms and form tag
    Text and labels
    Closing the Form
    Error Messages
    Custom Rules
    Custom Message
    Generating Framework URLS
    Generation Shortcuts
    Creating Tables
    Column Types
    Special Column Types
    Column Modifiers
    Updating Tables
    Dropping Tables
    Basic Concept
    Creating Migration
    Rolling Back
    Migration Tricks
    Creating new model
    Reading Existing Models
    Updating Existing Models
    Deleting Existing Models
    Eloquent to string
    Query Structure
    Magic Queries
    Query Scopes
    Implementing Relationship
    Relating and Querying

    Module 7 : Rest API

    Module 8 : Authentication and Security

    Rest Services
    Resource ID’s
    Create and Update
    Read and Delete
    List Pagination
    Model Binding
    Nested Controllers
    Beyond CRUD
    Nested Update
    Nested Create
    Authenticating users
    User model
    Authenticating routes
    Authenticating views
    Validating user Input
    Avoiding mass assigment
    Cross Site Scripting
    Cross Site Request Forgery
    SQL Injection
    Forcing HTTPS
  • Course Laravel Framework Programming : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Laravel Framework Programming : Reviews

  • Course Laravel Framework Programming : Certificate