Course Kotlin Programming

In the course Kotlin Programming participants learn to use the object oriented and functional language Kotlin for software development. Kotlin is a modern statically typed language that is fully compatible with Java and runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Kotlin has modern language features such as type inferences, null safety, coroutines and unchecked exception which are lacking in Java. Moreover Kotlin code is much more compact compared to Java.

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  • Modules
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  • Certificate
  • Course Kotlin Programming : Content

    Kotlin Intro

    The course Kotlin Programming starts with an overview of a number of important features of Kotlin. Attention is paid to the syntax simplifications in the Kotlin language compared to Java. It is also discussed that Kotlin code can be compiled not only to Java, but also to JavaScript or native code.

    Language Syntax

    Next the language syntax is covered with type inference, mutable and immutable variable declarations, if and when expressions, ranges, loops and iterators.

    Classes and Objects

    With regard to object oriented programming, class initialization, primary and secondary constructors final and open classes, abstract classes and interfaces are treated. And also attention is paid to data classes in which methods such as equals, toString and hashCode are automatically generated.


    Kotlin also supports functional programming and part of the program of the course are lambda functions, higher order function, passing functions as parameters and returning functions. Also to extension methods, destructuring declarations, nested functions and extracting parameters with the spread operator are discussed.

    Collections and Generics

    Also covered is the Collection Framework in Kotlin that supports mutable and immutable collections and sequences with lazy evaluation. Parameterized types with generics are also covered. And delegation in Kotlin with lazy and observable properties is explained.


    Finally attention is paid to the use of coroutines in Kotlin which can be considered as lightweight threads and which are excellent for asynchronous handling.

  • Course Kotlin Programming : Training

    Audience Course Kotlin Programming

    The course Kotlin Programming is intended for developers who want to learn how Kotlin differentiates itself from Java and who want to learn how to program in Kotlin.

    Prerequisites training Kotlin Programming

    To participate in this course experience with programming is required. Knowledge of programming in Java is beneficial for the understanding.

    Realization course Kotlin Programming

    The theory is treated on the basis of presentations. Illustrative demos are used to clarify the concepts. There is ample opportunity to practice and theory and exercises are interchanged. The course times are from 9.30 to 16.30

    Certification course Kotlin Programming

    Participants receive an official certificate Kotlin Programming after successful completion of the course.

    Course Kotlin Programming
  • Course Kotlin Programming : Modules

    Module 1 : Kotlin Intro

    Module 2 : Language Syntax

    Module 3 : Classes and Objects

    What is Kotlin?
    Type Inference
    Kotlin Characteristics
    Null Handling
    Safe Call Operator
    Custom Accessors
    Kotlin Exceptions
    Kotlin versus Java
    Run as ECMAScript
    Potential Downsides
    Packages and Imports
    Default Imports
    Basic Types
    Explicit Conversions
    If and When Expressions
    Loops and Iterators
    Jumps and Labels
    Elvis Operator
    !! Operator
    Kotlin Class Initialization
    Property Settings
    Calling Base Constructors
    Secondary Constructors
    Visibility Modifiers
    Abstract Classes and Interfaces
    Nested and Inner Classes
    Data Classes
    Destructuring Declarations
    Sealed Classes
    Kotlin Objects
    Companion Objects

    Module 4 : Functions

    Module 5 : Collections

    Module 6 : Generics

    Function Scope
    Local Functions
    Extension Functions
    Static Resolvement
    Extension Properties
    Recursive Functions
    Kotlin Tail Recursion
    Higher Order Functions
    Lambda Expressions
    Infix Functions
    Operator Functions
    Scope Functions
    Collection Types
    Immutable Collections
    Mutable Collections
    Collection Hierarchy
    Ranges and Progressions
    Common Operations
    Write Operations
    Plus and Minus
    Generic Classes
    Generic Functions
    Type Inference
    PECS Principle
    out Keyword
    in Keyword
    Type Projections
    Subtype to Supertype
    Star Projections
    Generic Constraints

    Module 7 : Delegation

    Module 8 : Interoperability

    Module 9 : Coroutines

    Delegation Design Pattern
    by Keyword
    Inheritance Alternative
    Delegated Properties
    Lazy Properties
    Property as Input
    Return Type as Lazy
    Observable Properties
    Standard Delegates
    Properties in Map
    Local Delegated Properties
    Delegate Requirements
    Translation Rules
    Calling Java from Kotlin
    Calling Static Methods
    Using Java Collection
    Reserved Words in Kotlin
    Calling Kotlin in Java
    Calling Kotlin Functions
    Calling Extension Functions
    Using Mutable Collections
    Immutable Collections
    Files with JVM Annotation
    Functions with JVM Annotation
    Calling Kotlin Class
    Calling Kotlin Singleton
    What are Coroutines?
    Concurrency Pattern
    Light-weight Threads
    Coroutine Scope
    launch Method
    Blocking versus non-Blocking
    Structured Concurrency
    Scope Builder
    Global Coroutines
    Cancelation and Timeout
    Coroutine Context
    Asynchronous Flow
  • Course Kotlin Programming : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Kotlin Programming : Reviews

  • Course Kotlin Programming : Certificate