Course JavaFX Programming

In the course JavaFX Programming you will learn to use JavaFX for designing desktop and mobile front ends.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course JavaFX Programming : Content

    Rich User Interfaces with Java FX

    JavaFX is pitched squarely at the Adobe Flash / Microsoft Silverlight arena of bringing rich interfaces to internet and mobile applications. The course is aimed at Java developers who need to create front ends to replace AWT and Swing (for desktop) or Java ME and JWT (for mobile).

    Java FX Property Binding

    In this course students will learn to create user interfaces using a declarative style enabled by the JavaFX builder classes. Attention is paid to patterns for JavaFX developers and to property binding to keep the UI synchronized with the model.

    Java FX Controls

    Students will also learn about JavaFX UI controls, charts, shapes, effects, transformations and animations to create stunning, responsive, user interfaces.

    Java FX Layouts

    Also discussed are the JavaFX layout classes to define the user interface in a cross-platform fashion and the observable collection classes to observe changes in, and bind to, Java collections.

    Java FX Media Classes

    Finally JavaFX media classes to play audio and video are treated and the interaction with external application services to create an enterprise application with JavaFX as well.

  • Course JavaFX Programming : Training

    Audience Course JavaFX Programming

    Java developers who need to learn JavaFX for designing desktop and mobile front ends.

    Prerequisites Course JavaFX

    To join this course knowledge of Java development is required. Experience with GUI design is beneficial for a proper understanding.

    Realization Training JavaFX Programming

    The theory is treated on the basis of presentation slides and is interspersed with exercises. Demos are used to clarify the theory. The course material is in English. The course times are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification JavaFX Programming

    Participants receive an official certificate Java FX Programming after successful completion of the course.

    Course JavaFX Programming
  • Course JavaFX Programming : Modules

    Module 1 : JFX Intro

    Module 2 : Creating a GUI

    Module 3 : Properties and Bindings

    Introducing JavaFX
    Minimum effort and maximum impact
    Comparing Java and JavaFX
    Comparing JavaFX with Adobe AIR
    GWT, and Silverlight
    Deployment and More
    Packaging and Deployment
    JavaFX in Swing
    Interoperability with SWT
    Use a Doclet
    Startup Window
    Main Window
    Menu Bar
    Selection and Message Bar
    Content Panel
    Library Panel
    Hierarchy Panel
    Inspector Panel
    Style Sheet Support
    Internationalization Support
    Understanding Properties
    Defining a Property
    Using a ChangeListener
    High-Level Binding API
    Using the Bindings Class
    Combining Both Approaches
    Observable, ObservableValue
    Low-Level Binding API

    Module 4 : JavaFX

    Module 5 : JavaFX UI Controls

    Module 6 : Collections

    Application Logic
    Architecture and Framework
    Work with the Scene Graph
    Use Properties and Binding
    Add Text
    Work with UI Controls
    Work with Collections
    Concurrency and Threads
    Implement Best Practices
    Work with Layouts
    Build UI with FXML
    Handle Events
    Create Charts
    Add HTML Content
    Skin Applications with CSS
    Drag and Drop Data
    Work with Canvas
    Scene Builder
    Java Collections Basics
    Using a List
    Using a Map
    Collections Class
    JavaFX Collections
    Using an ObservableList
    Using ObservableMap
    Change Notifications

    Module 7 : Creating JavaFX Charts

    Module 8 : Using Media Classes

    Introduction to JavaFX Charts
    Pie Chart
    Line Chart
    Area Chart
    Bubble Chart
    Scatter Chart
    Bar Chart
    Styling Charts with CSS
    Effects and Animation
    Create Visual Effects
    2D Transformations
    3D Transformations
    Add Transitions & Animation
    Incorporate Media
    Media Classes
    External Services
  • Course JavaFX Programming : General

    Read general course information
  • Course JavaFX Programming : Reviews

  • Course JavaFX Programming : Certificate