Course Java for Application Managers

In the course Java for Application Managers the foundations of the Java SE and EE platform, the Java language and the options to manage and monitor Java software are discussed.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Java for Application Managers : Content

    Java Fundamentals

    The participants become familiar with Java applications and their data types, the object oriented nature of Java, the packaging of Java applications, the principles of garbage collection and the Java thread model.


    A key module in the course treats the various logging mechanisms in Java software and the configuration of logging.

    Exception Handling

    Also attention is paid to principles of exception handling in Java and how stack traces can be interpreted.

    Java EE

    The Java EE standard is discussed and attention is paid to Java EE Web Components like servlets and JSP's. In this respect the reference implementation for Web Components Tomcat is treated.

    Java Management Extensions

    The participants also become familiar with Java Management Extensions (JMX) as a standard and API for the (remote) management and monitoring of Java Applications. The principles of memory management in Java and the various options to configure garbage collection are discussed as well.

    Performance Tuning

    The final subject of the course is the performance monitoring and performance tuning of Java applications. Optional appendixes about Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and the Java Messaging Service (JMS) are provided and will be discussed if this is the desire of the class.

  • Course Java for Application Managers : Training

    Audience Course Java for Application Managers

    The course Java for Application Managers is intended for persons responsible for the monitoring, management and troubleshooting of Java Applications and for other interested persons.

    Prerequisites Course Java for Application Managers

    General basic knowledge of computer systems and software development. Programming experience is an advantage in following this course.

    Realization Training Java for Application Managers

    In this hands-on course the theory is treated by means of presentation slides and is interchanged with exercises. Demos are used to clarify the theory. The course material is in English. The course times are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification Java for Application Managers

    Participants receive an official certificate Java for Application Managers after successful completion of the course.

    JAV650-Java for Application Managers
  • Course Java for Application Managers : Modules

    Module 1 : Java Intro

    Module 2 : log4j Logging

    Module 3 : Stack Tracing

    Java Platform
    Java Editions
    Java Libraries
    Types of Java Applications
    Compiling and Running Programs
    Standalone Application structure
    Java Variables
    Primitive Data Types
    Classes and Objects
    Casting Objects
    Packaging in JAR files
    Garbage Collection
    Java Thread Model
    Thread Characteristics
    Logging in Java
    log4j characteristics
    log4j Basic Concepts
    java.util Logging
    Logging API
    Simple Logging
    Logging Configuration
    log4j properties
    Configuration Options
    Logger Output Hierarchy
    Inheriting Logging Levels
    Logger Names
    Log Levels
    Error Conditions
    Exceptions in Java
    Exception Handling
    Generated Stack Traces
    Finally Clause
    Exception information
    Predefined Exceptions
    Multiple catch clauses
    NumberFormat Exceptions
    Creating Exception Classes
    Throwing Exceptions
    Chained Exceptions

    Module 4 : Java EE

    Module 5 : Java Management Extensions

    Module 6 : Memory Management

    Java EE Standard
    Java EE Servers
    Servlets and JSP's
    Translation and Request Time
    EJB Components
    Java EE API's
    Apache Tomcat
    Tomcat Directories
    Configuration Files
    Web Application Structure
    Deployment Descriptor
    Tomcat Logging
    What is JMX?
    JMX Goal
    Where is JMX used
    Managed Beans
    MBean flavors
    JMX Architecture
    Java SE Mbeans
    Naming MBeans
    MBean Server
    Registering Mbeans
    Manipulating MBeans
    Notification Listener
    JVM's Internal Architecture
    Heap and Stack
    Java Memory Management
    Object Lifecycle
    Strong Object References
    Invisible and Unreachable
    Circular References
    Tuning Garbage Collection
    Generational GC
    Heap Space Organization
    Tuning Garbage Collection
    GC Algorithms

    Module 7 : Java Performance Tuning

    Optional Appendix : JDBC

    Optional Appendix : JMS

    Influences on Performance
    JIT Compilation
    Hotspot JVM
    Monitoring, Profiling, Tuning
    String Handling
    Buffered and New I/O
    Lazy Loading
    Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
    JDBC Overall Architecture
    JDBC Operation
    JDBC Drivers
    Database URL's
    Using Tomcat and JDBC
    Configuring JNDI JDBC Resources
    Context.xml in META-INF
    JDBC in Web Applications
    What is JMS?
    JMS Terminology
    JMS Programming Model
    Message Consumption
    Messaging Domains
    Message Types
    Message Headers
    Durable Subscriptions
  • Course Java for Application Managers : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Java for Application Managers : Reviews

  • Course Java for Application Managers : Certificate