Course Java Data Access with JPA

In the course Java Data Access with JPA Object Relational Mapping with the Java Persistence API 2.x is on the agenda.

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  • Modules
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  • Certificate
  • Course Java Data Access with JPA : Content

    JPA Architecture

    After an overview of the data access capabilities in Java, including JDBC, and the challenge they face, the basic concepts and architecture of the JPA is explained. The role of the Entity Manager and the persistence.xml configuration file is discussed.


    The next topic covers the concept of a JPA Entity, the lifecycle of Entities and how Entity classes are mapped to database tables. Also the various states Entities can have in relation to the database such as new, persistent, detached and removed are discussed in this respect as is the concept of merging.


    Furthermore the use of annotations and XML mapping files and the role the various properties and attributes play is explained.

    JPA Queries

    The various key generation strategies are discussed as well as the mapping of association relationships and the mapping of inheritance relationships between Entities. Next the possibilities of the JPA Query language, JPQL, are covered and the uses of JPA criteria and native SQL queries.


    The function and operation of Entity callbacks that are called immediately before and after the execution of a persistence operation is explained and the alternative use of Entity Listener classes as well.


    Part of the course program is also the treatment of interceptors which are used for crosscutting concerns like logging and security. Finally, attention is paid to the use of JPA in a Java EE application, how to interact with EJBs and the method of packaging JPA entities.


    Finally JPA transactions are addressed in both a desktop environment and a Java EE environment.

  • Course Java Data Access with JPA : Training

    Audience Course Java Data Access

    Experienced Java developers who want to learn how to use the Java Persistence API for accessing data in databases.

    Prerequisites Java Data Access with Persistence API

    Experience with Java programming and object orientation is required to participate in this course. Knowledge of database structures and SQL is beneficial for a good understanding.

    Realization Training Course Java Data Access

    The concepts are treated on the basis of presentation slides and demos. The theory is interspersed with exercises. All topics in the Java EE Persistence API Developer Certified Expert Exam (1Z0-898) will be discussed. The course material is in English. The course times are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification Java Data Access with Persistence API

    Participants receive an official certificate Java Data Access with Persistence API after successful completion of the course.

    Course Java Data Access with Persistence API
  • Course Java Data Access with JPA : Modules

    Module 1 : Intro Java Persistence

    Module 2 : Persistence API

    Module 3 : Mapping Persistent Objects

    Java Persistence
    Traditional Persistence
    Transparent Persistence
    Persistence Technologies
    Direct File I/O
    Java Database Connectivity
    JDBC Architecture
    Executing Statements
    Retrieving Results
    JDBC Drivers
    JDBC URL's
    Problems with JDBC
    Object Relational Mapping
    Java Persistence API
    JPA Versions
    Entity Classes
    Entity Manager
    Persistence Context
    Entity Identity
    Entity Lifecycle
    Entity Relationships
    Persisting Objects
    Removing Objects
    Merging Objects
    Managing Identity
    Mapping Annotations
    Table Annotation
    UniqueConstraint Annotation
    Column Annotation
    Id Annotation
    IdClass Annotation
    GeneratedValue Annotation
    Version Annotation
    Basic Annotation
    Lob Annotation
    Temporal Annotation
    Enumerated Annotation
    Transient Annotation

    Module 4 : Mapping Relationships

    Module 5 : Mapping Inheritance

    Module 6 : JPA Query Language

    Entity Relationship types
    Bidirectional OneToOne
    Bidirectional ManyToOne
    Bidirectional OneToMany
    Bidirectional ManyToMany
    Unidirectional OneToOne
    Unidirectional ManyToOne
    Unidirectional OneToMany
    Unidirectional ManyToMany
    Cascading Persist
    Cascading Merge
    Cascading Remove
    Mapping Class Hierarchies
    Mapping Strategies
    Single Table Inheritance
    DiscriminatorColumn Settings
    Single Table per Hierarchy
    Single Table Mapping Features
    Joined Subclass Strategy
    InheritanceType Joined
    Joined Subclass Per Hierarchy
    Table per Concrete Class
    Abstract Entity Classes
    Mapped Superclasses
    Java Persistence QL
    JPA QL Characteristics
    Query Interface
    Update and Delete Queries
    Dynamic and Static Queries
    Criteria API
    Query Error Detection
    Metamodel in JPA

    Module 7 : Callbacks and Listeners

    Module 8 : Interceptors

    Module 9 : Java EE integration

    Life Cycle Callback methods
    Entity Listeners
    Life Cycle Callback Rules
    Signature Life Cycle Callbacks
    Signature Entity Listeners
    @PrePersist and @PostPersist
    @PreRemove and @PostRemove
    @PreUpdate and @PostLoad
    Multiple Invocation Callbacks
    Invocation Order
    Interceptor Invocation Model
    @Interceptor Annotation
    Interceptor Classes
    Invocation Context
    Interceptor Lifecycle
    Interceptor Types
    Default and Exclude Interceptors
    PostConstruct or PostActivate
    PreDestroy and PrePassivate
    Enterprise Java Beans
    Sessions Beans
    Statefull and Stateless
    JNDI lookups
    EJB injection
    Transaction-Scoped Persistence Context
    Extended Persistence Context
    Persistence Unit
    Packaging in EAR files
    Deployment Descriptors

    Module 10 : Transactions

    Data Integrity
    Transaction Control
    Begin, Commit and Rollback
    Demarcating Boundaries
    Container Managed
    Bean Managed
    Client Managed
    Transaction Attributes
    JTA Transactions
    Before Completion
    After Completion
  • Course Java Data Access with JPA : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Java Data Access with JPA : Reviews

  • Course Java Data Access with JPA : Certificate