Course Haskell Programming

In the course Haskell Programming participants learn to program in the pure functional programming language Haskell. Unlike conventional languages ​​such as C and Java, functional languages ​​perform calculations by combining separate mathematical functions. A functional language like Haskell also naturally has support for multithreading and parallelism, which results in good performance.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Haskell Programming : Content

    Haskell Intro

    The course starts with an introduction to the basic syntax of Haskell and the main characteristics of the language such as laziness in expression evaluation with a thunk data structure, static typing, modularity and dealing with multiple threads.

    Data Types and Operators

    Next attention is paid to the data types and operators of the language. Data structures such as lists, tuples and records are also discussed. And exceptions and accessing the file system are also treated.


    Part of the program of the course are the definition and declaration of functions in Haskell with argument lists, pattern matching and guards. Recursive functions, higher order functions and lambda expressions are discussed as well.


    Then the various Haskell modules such as the Prelude, List, Char, Set and Map module are reviewed. And it is explained how user defined modules and packages are created. This also includes the discussion of qualified imports and the global namespace.

    Haskell Containers

    Finally attention is paid to Haskell containers such as classes, objects, Trees, Binary Trees, Functors and Foldables and the characteristic functional programming concept of monads.

  • Course Haskell Programming : Training

    Audience Haskell Programming

    The course Haskell Programming course is intended for anyone who wants to learn programming in the functional programming language Haskell.

    Prerequisites Course Haskell Programming

    In order to participate in this course basic knowledge of programming in another programming language is beneficial to understanding, but is not required.

    Realization Training Haskell Programming

    The theory is discussed on the basis of presentation slides. The theory is further explained through demos. After discussing a module, there is the possibility to practice. Course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Course Certification Haskell Programming

    After successful completion of the course, the participants receive an official certificate Haskell Programming.

    Course Haskell Programming
  • Course Haskell Programming : Modules

    Module 1 : Haskell Intro

    Module 2 : Types and Operators

    Module 3 : Functions

    What is Haskell?
    Functional Programming
    Evaluation Engine
    Expression Evaluation
    Haskells Laziness
    Thunk Data Structure
    Haskells Modularity
    Handling Multiple Threads
    Static Typing
    Installing Haskell
    Haskell Compiler
    Stack Installer
    Haskell Platform
    Numbers and Characters
    Strings and Booleans
    List Comprehensions
    Haskell Operators
    Sequence Operator
    Control Flow
    Type Class
    Default Values Idiom
    Files and Streams
    Function Declaration
    Function Names
    Argument Lists
    Function Definition
    Pattern Matching
    Where Clause
    Lambda Expressions
    Higher Order Functions
    Head and Tail
    Null and Init
    Reverse and Take

    Module 4 : Modules

    Module 5 : Containers

    Module 6 : Monads

    Packages and Modules
    import Statement
    Prelude Module
    Global Namespace
    Qualified Imports
    List Module
    Char Module
    Map Module
    Set Module
    Custom Modules
    Smart Constructors
    Classes and Instances
    Binary Trees
    Type Classes
    Built-in Type Classes
    Lazy Evaluation
    Applicative Functors
    Monadic Rules
    Left Identity Law
    Right Identity Law
    Combinators for State
    Dissecting Combinators
    do Notation
    State and Lenses
    Monad Comprehensions
  • Course Haskell Programming : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Haskell Programming : Reviews

  • Course Haskell Programming : Certificate