Course GraphQL Queries

GraphQL is a query language developed by Facebook that allows fast searching of various Application Program Interfaces (APIs). GraphQL aims to give clients exactly the data that is requested and nothing more. Additionally GraphQL gives those who maintain APIs the flexibility to add fields or declare fields deprecated without affecting existing queries.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course GraphQL Queries : Content

    GraphQL Intro

    In the course GraphQL Queries participants learn the concepts of the query language GraphQL. Attention is paid to how a GraphQL Server responds to GraphQL queries. The transport neutrality of GraphQL is covered and also how GraphQL works with both SQL and NoSQL databases.

    GraphQL Schema

    The course proceeds to discuss GraphQL schemas that are the core of a GraphQL server implementation and describe the functionality available to clients. The different schema types and data types for the definition of a GraphQL schema are discussed.

    GraphQL Queries

    Then attention is paid to GraphQL queries that can be used for both read and write operations. The fields, variables, parameters and directives in GraphQL queries are treated as well as the payload of queries.

    GraphQL API

    The discussion of the GraphQL API is also part of the course. Use is made of tooling such as the GraphiQL Client and a GraphQL Server. The GraphQL Playground is available to experiment with the GraphQL API.

    GraphQL Integration

    Finally the course covers how GrapQL can be integrated in various environments. The integration with jQuery, NodeJS and ReactJS is treated. And also it is discussed how Express GraphQL can be used and how the GraphQL API can be implemented with an Apollo server.

  • Course GraphQL Queries : Training

    Audience Course GraphQL Queries

    The course GraphQL Queries is intended for web and mobile developers who want to use GraphQL to retrieve or update server data.

    Prerequisites Course GraphQL Queries

    Knowledge of and experience with programming and in particular working with REST APIs is beneficial for the understanding.

    Realization Training GraphQL Queries

    The concepts are discussed on the basis of presentation slides and demos. The theory is interchanged with exercises. The course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certification GraphQL Queries

    After successful completion of the course the participants receive an official certificate GraphQL Queries.

    Course GraphQL Queries
  • Course GraphQL Queries : Modules

    Module 1 : GraphQL Intro

    Module 2 : GraphQL Schema

    Module 3 : GraphQL Queries

    What is GraphQL?
    Query Language
    Execution Engine
    Single Endpoint
    REST Alternative
    Over Fetching
    Under Fetching
    API Standard
    Declarative Fetching
    Mobile Apps
    Improved Performance
    Strong Typing
    GraphQL Tooling
    Schema Definition Language
    Schema Types
    Scalar Types
    Int and Float
    String and Boolean
    ID Types
    Object Types
    Query Type
    Mutation Type
    List Type
    Required Types
    Query Language
    Documents and Operations
    Root Field
    Query Payload
    Specifying Fields
    Field Parameters
    Create, Update, Delete

    Module 4 : GraphQL API

    Module 5 : Validation

    Module 6 : Integrating GraphQL

    GraphiQL Client
    GraphQL Server
    GraphQL Playground
    GitHub's GraphQL API
    GraphQL Explorer
    Basic Queries
    Queries with Arguments
    mutation Keyword
    Default Variables
    Nullable Variables
    Meta Fields
    Input Types
    Type Markers
    Non-nullable Marker
    Runtime Checks
    Validation Rules
    Context Attribute
    Resolver Result Format
    Asynchronous Resolvers
    Trivial Resolvers
    List Resolvers
    jQuery Integration
    Server Setup
    info Argument
    Scalar Coercion
    NodeJS Integration
    Express GraphQL
    Apollo Server
    Globally Unique IDs
    ReactJS Integration
    Create React App
    React Server App
  • Course GraphQL Queries : General

    Read general course information
  • Course GraphQL Queries : Reviews

  • Course GraphQL Queries : Certificate