Course Dynamic HTML

In the course Dynamic HTML you will learn to create interactive and dynamic web pages. HTML is not a programming language but a static markup language. HTML in itself is not dynamic, but by combining HTML with JavaScript and CSS we can get dynamic pages. The course is based on pure JavaScript, HTML and CSS without using a framework such as Angular, React or Vue.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Dynamic HTML : Content

    Intro Dynamic HTML

    The course starts with an overview of the HTML, XHTML and HTML5 standards and their differences. Semantic and structural markup is also discussed and the possible DOCTYPE's in HTML documents as well.


    Next the Cascading Stylesheet (CSS) Standard is treated, which uses selectors and HTML attributes to determine the style in which HTML elements are displayed. In particular attention is paid to class and Id selectors, as well as internal and external style sheets.


    Then the course program covers the hierarchical structure of HTML pages described in the HTML DOM. The different node types and their properties and methods are discussed.


    The fundamentals of the programming language JavaScript which is present in all browsers by default are explained. The data types, control flow constructs and operators of the language are reviewed. And also is it treated how JavaScript is incorporated and executed in pages.

    Dynamic HTML

    Part of the program of the course is the interaction between JavaScript code and the HTML DOM. Attention is paid to how the content of the page is adapted by executing JavaScript code. DOM API functions such as getElementById and event handling with callback functions are covered here.


    Finally Ajax technology is discussed where parts of the page are refreshed by an HTTP Request to the server without retrieving the entire page again. Processing the JSON or XML response in JavaScript is covered here as well.

  • Course Dynamic HTML : Training

    Audience Dynamic HTML Course

    The course Dynamic HTML is intended for person who want to learn how to make dynamic and interactive Web pages.

    Prerequisites Course Dynamic HTML

    To join this course knowledge of HTML required. Knowledge of a scripting language such as VBScript or JavaScript is recommended.

    Realization Training Dynamic HTML

    The concepts are treated with the help presentation slides. A demo Web site is used to clarify the concepts. Attention is also paid to hands-on exercises. The course material is in English. The course times are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification Dynamic HTML

    Participants receive an official certificate Dynamic HTML after successful completion of the course.

    Course Dynamic HTML
  • Course Dynamic HTML : Modules

    Module 1 : Intro Dynamic HTML

    Module 2 : CSS

    Module 3 : HTML DOM

    HTML Structure
    Standards Compliance DOCTYPE
    Semantic or Structural Markup
    Benefits of Semantic Markup
    Problems with Tables
    Headings and Paragraphs
    Line Breaks and Emphasis
    Well Formed and Valid Documents
    What is XHTML
    XHTML Document Structure
    What is CSS?
    Rendering with CSS
    Selector Types
    HTML Selectors
    Class Selectors
    SPAN and DIV as carriers
    ID Selectors
    Adding CSS Files
    CSS Positioning Attributes
    CSS Position Property
    CSS Visibility Property
    CSS Z-index Property
    Element Access
    Building a DOM tree
    DOM and Browser Object Model
    DOM Representation
    Node Object
    DOM Node Types
    Properties of Node Types
    Node Properties
    Node Methods
    DOM Data Structures
    NamedNodeMap Interface
    Example Document and Tree

    Module 4 : JavaScript

    Module 5 : Dynamic HTML

    Module 6 : Ajax

    JavaScript Characteristics
    ECMA Standard
    JavaScript Code Execution
    script tag
    JavaScript Files
    JavaScript Types
    Numbers and Strings
    Control Logic
    Debugging JavaScript
    DHTML Technologies
    Localization by XPath
    Event Handlers
    Callback Functions
    onchange Event
    onmousedown Event
    Form Validations
    Regular Expressions
    Classic Synchronous App. Model
    Ajax Asynchronous App. Model
    Typical Ajax Interactions
    Creating XMLHttpRequest
    XMLHttpRequest Methods
    XMLHttpRequest Properties
    Fetch API
    Sending the Request
    XMLHttpRequest readyState
    Listening for Response
    JSON and XML Responses
    Processing the Response
  • Course Dynamic HTML : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Dynamic HTML : Reviews

  • Course Dynamic HTML : Certificate