Course DevOps Fundamentals

In the course DevOps Fundamentals participants learn the benefits of a close collaboration between Development and Operations. By using DevOps organizations can enhance the speed of the production and deployment of software applications and services and make them better. DevOps also includes the automation of code deployment, avoiding human error and making the process reproducible.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course DevOps Fundamentals : Content

    DevOps Background

    The course starts with an overview of the circumstances that led to the introduction of DevOps. It is discussed how in the time before DevOps development, testing and deployment activities were isolated activities with their own planning and how a lot of time was lost as a result. The relationship between DevOps and the Agile Development methodology is also treated.

    Ownership and Accountability

    Subsequently attention is paid how these activities are coordinated in DevOps, resulting in a faster turn around time. The importance of ownership and accountability for enhancing quality in DevOps is also emphasized. And the role of automating tests and deployment is also discussed.

    Development Phases

    The different phases of the development and deployment process and how they are coordinated in DevOps are treated. Attention is paid to the management of planning, development, testing, release and deployment.

    DevOps Culture

    And not only the technique is part of the course. The DevOps culture, the importance of hard and soft skills, the various roles and responsibilities, troubleshooting and problem solving are also part of the course program.


    Finally attention is paid to the tooling that can be used in DevOps processes such as Chef, Puppet or Ansible for configuration management, Nagios for monitoring and Jenkins, Bamboo or TeamCity for continuous integration.

  • Course DevOps Fundamentals : Training

    Audience Course DevOps Fundamentals

    The course DevOps Fundamentals is intended for anyone involved in IT development, IT operations or services and who wants to learn what is meant by a DevOps way of working.

    Prerequisites Course DevOps Fundamentals

    Familiarity with the Agile Development methodology and Scrum is beneficial for the understanding, but is not strictly necessary.

    Realization Course DevOps Fundamentals

    The concepts are discussed through interactive sessions, exercises and short workshops. Course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certification DevOps Fundamentals

    After successful completion of the course the participants receive an official certificate DevOps Fundamentals.

    Course DevOps Fundamentals
  • Course DevOps Fundamentals : Modules

    Module 1 : DevOps Intro

    Module 2 : Architecture Features

    Module 3 : DevOps Lifecycle

    What is DevOps?
    Development and Operations
    Faster Deployment
    Automated Deployment
    DevOps Roots
    Agile Methodology
    Time to Market
    Quality Assurance
    Manageable Chunks
    Work as One Team
    Strengthening Accountability
    Strengthening Ownership
    End-To-End Responsibility
    Automated Tests
    Automated Deployment
    Continuous Improvement
    Configuration Management
    Continuous DevOps
    Get Teams in Sync
    Development Stage
    Testing by QA team
    Continuous Integration
    Release New Version
    Release Management
    Deployment Process
    System Monitoring
    Team Collaboration

    Module 4 : DevOps Engineers

    Module 5 : DevOps Automation Tools

    DevOps Culture
    System Operators
    Software Developers
    Production IT Staff
    Hard and Soft Skills
    Understanding Lifecycle
    Engineer Roles
    Engineer Responsibilities
    System Troubleshooting
    Problem Solving
    Infrastructure Automation
    AWS and Azure
    Configuration Management
    Chef, Puppet or Ansible
    Monitoring with Nagios
    Deployment Automation
    Jenkins, Bamboo, Team City
    Log Management with Splunk
    Performance Management
    App Dynamic
  • Course DevOps Fundamentals : General

    Read general course information
  • Course DevOps Fundamentals : Reviews

  • Course DevOps Fundamentals : Certificate