
Course Developing Web Components

In the course Developing Web Components, participants learn to use web platform APIs to create new self-defined Web Components with their own HTML tag, encapsulated styles and their own behavior. The participants learn to work with Custom Elements, Shadow DOM and HTML Templates.

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  • Modules
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  • Certificate
  • Course Developing Web Components : Content

    Introduction to Web Components

    The course Developing Web Components starts with an overview of Web Components and the benefits they offer in terms of encapsulation, reusability and interoperability. Participants will gain a foundational understanding of the key concepts and technologies that underpin Web Components, like Custom Elements, the Shadow DOM and HTML Templates.

    Custom Elements

    Next attention is paid how Custom Elements can be defined and used. Topics include Custom Element lifecycle, properties, attributes, and events, as well as best practices for creating and extending Custom Elements.

    ES Modules

    Also ES Modules are covered which enable modular code organization and dependency management in JavaScript development. Subjects are how to create, import, and export ES Modules, and how to structure projects using this powerful module system.

    Shadow DOM

    The Shadow DOM is discussed as well and it is explained how to encapsulate styling and markup within Web Components, ensuring isolation and preventing style leakage. Attention is paid to creating Shadow Roots, styling Shadow DOM content and using slots for content projection.

    HTML Templates

    Part of the subject matter of the course Developing Web Components are also HTML Templates which form a mechanism for defining reusable markup structures. It is explained how HTML Templates allow encapsulating and instantiating complex HTML structures, enabling flexible and efficient component composition in Web applications.

    Advanced Web Components

    Finally advanced techniques and patterns for developing Web Components are treated. Here composition and communication between Web Components, integrating Web Components in Microservices Architectures and optimizing performance and accessibility are covered.

  • Course Developing Web Components : Training

    Audience Course Developing Web Components

    The course Developing Web Components is intended for Web Developers who want to learn how Web Components can be applied in modern web applications.

    Prerequisites Course Developing Web Components

    To participate in this course, good knowledge of the basics of Web Applications with HTML and CSS and knowledge of JavaScript is required.

    Realization Training Web Components

    The theory is explained with slides and demos. The course has a hands-on character. Explanations are interchanged with exercises.

    Certificate Course Web Components

    After successfully completing the course, attendants will receive a certificate of participation in Web Components.

    Developing Web Components
  • Course Developing Web Components : Modules

    Module 1 : Intro Web Components

    Module 2 : Custom Elements

    Module 3 : ES Modules

    What are Web Components?
    Benefits of Web Components
    Web Component Specifications
    Custom Elements
    Shadow DOM
    Style Encapsulation
    ES Modules
    HTML Templates
    Browser Support
    Environment Setup
    Create First Web Component
    Intro Custom Elements
    Defining Custom Elements
    Lifecycle Hooks
    Attributes and Properties
    Event Handling
    Extending Built-in Elements
    Naming Conventions
    JavaScript Libraries
    Platform API's
    Browser Compatibility
    ECMA Standard
    Module Systems
    CommonJS Modules
    Asynchronous Module Definition
    Internal Modules
    External Modules
    Imports and Exports
    Module Scopes
    Module Instantiation
    Dependency Graphs
    WebAssembly Integration

    Module 4 : Shadom DOM

    Module 5 : HTML Templates

    Module 6 : Advanced Web Components

    What is Shadow DOM?
    Creating Shadow Roots
    Styling Shadow DOM Content
    Scoped CSS Variables
    Shadow DOM Slots
    Shadow DOM Events
    Manipulating Shadow DOM Content
    CSS Encapsulation
    CSS Inheritance
    Debugging Shadow DOM
    What are HTML Templates?
    Creating HTML Templates
    Content Insertion
    Markup Fragments
    Template Cloning
    Template Instantiation
    Parameterized Templates
    Dynamic Templates
    Template Accessibility
    Templating Engines
    Template Libraries
    Composing Web Components
    Component Interaction
    Custom Events
    Shadow DOM Composition
    Slot Receptacles
    Named Slots
    Conditional Rendering
    Single Page Applications
    Microservices Architecture
    Responsive Web Components
  • Course Developing Web Components : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Developing Web Components : Reviews

  • Course Developing Web Components : Certificate