Course C# Programming

In the course C# Programming participants learn to program in the .NET platform with the C# (C Sharp) language. The emphasis of the course is on C# syntax, program structure and implementation details. The acquired C# knowledge can be applied in both the .NET Framework and .NET Core. The most recent version of C# is used in the course.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course C# Programming : Content

    C# Introduction

    The course C# Programming starts with a discussion of the essentials of the .NET Framework and .NET Core. Covered are the Common Language Runtime, managed code, assemblies and garbage collection.

    Language Syntax

    Next attention is paid to variables, data types, operators and loops. Calling methods and dealing with arrays and strings is also part of the course.

    Classes and Objects

    Then object-oriented programming with classes and objects is discussed. Concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism are explained. There is also attention for error handling by means of exception handling.


    Subsequently the participants learn to work with multiple threads and the implementation of concurrent tasks. The coordination between threads through synchronization mechanisms such as events and Monitor Wait and Pulse is also discussed.

    Special Classes

    The program of the course C# Programming also includes a number of special classes such as delegates, lambdas, properties, indexers and attributes. And attention is paid to Regular Expressions with the RegExp class.

    Generics and Collections

    The C# Programming course concludes with a discussion of parameterized types and methods called generics. Generics are often used in collection classes that are next on the program. Finally attention is paid to File I/O with C# libraries.

  • Course C# Programming : Training


    Audience C# Programming Course

    This course is intended for aspiring developers who want to learn the C# programming language and its usages in .NET applications.

    Prerequisites C# Programming Course

    No specific prior knowledge is required for this course. Experience in other programming languages such as JavaScript, Java or C++ is beneficial to understanding.

    Realization Training C# Programming

    The theory is presented on the basis of presentation slides. Demos are used to clarify the discussed concepts. The theory is interspersed with exercises. The course material is in English.

    Certification C# Programming

    Participants receive an official certificate C# Programming after successful completion of the course.

    Course C# Programming
  • Course C# Programming : Modules

    Module 1 : C# Intro

    Module 2 : Language Syntax

    Module 3 : Classes and Objects

    C# Versions
    .NET Architecture
    .NET Core
    Common Language Runtime
    Managed Code
    C# Compilation and Execution
    Managed Execution
    MSIL and Metadata
    Garbage Collection
    .NET Framework Class Library
    C# Data Types
    Variables and Scope
    Flow Control
    if and switch Statement
    for and foreach Loops
    while Statement
    do while Statements
    break and continue
    Strings and Arrays
    Methods and Parameter Passing
    Class Definition
    Access Modifiers
    Creating Objects
    Fields and Properties
    static Modifier
    Common Type System
    Value and Reference Types

    Module 4 : Inheritance

    Module 5 : Exception Handling

    Module 6 : Namespaces

    Derived Classes
    Overriding Methods
    Hiding Methods
    Abstract Classes
    Implementing Interfaces
    Type Casting
    Implicit and Explicit Casting
    Error Conditions
    Exceptions in C#
    Exception Handling Syntax
    Exception Flow
    Exceptions Template
    Exceptions Object
    finally Clause
    Throwing Exceptions
    User Defined Exceptions
    Defining Namespaces
    Using Namespaces
    Nested Namespaces
    Namespace Directory
    Assemblies and Modules
    Assembly Manifest
    Types of Assemblies
    Global Assembly Cache
    Strong Names

    Module 7 : Threads

    Module 8 : Synchronization

    Module 9 : Special Classes

    Thread Benefits and Drawbacks
    C# Thread Model
    Thread Class
    Thread Stack
    Thread Delegate
    Autonomous Classes
    Passing Parameters
    Thread Naming
    Background Threads
    Thread Exceptions
    Thread Methods
    Concurrent Method Invocation
    Blocking on Monitor
    Lock Statement
    Mutual Exclusion in C#
    Joining Threads
    Interrupting Threads
    Wait Handles
    Interthread Communication
    Condition Synchronization
    Monitor Wait and Pulse
    What is a Delegate?
    Delegates and Events
    Extension Methods
    Partial Classes
    Attribute Parameters
    Custom Attributes
    Nullable Types
    Static Classes

    Module 10 : Utility Classes

    Module 11 : Generics

    Module 12 : Collections

    Object Class
    Boxing and Unboxing
    Overriding Equals
    Math Class
    DateTime Structure
    Regex Class
    Process and Environment Class
    Localizing Dates and Numbers
    What are Generics?
    Need for Generics
    Generic Class Syntax
    Multiple Generic Parameters
    Bounded Types
    Runtime Type
    Parameter Constraints
    Generic Methods
    Framework Classes
    Predefined Collections
    Array and List Class
    Queue and Stack Class
    Linked List
    Sorted List

    Module 13 : File I/O

    I/O Classes
    Accessing Text Files
    Using Directive
    Accessing Binary Files
    Buffered Streams
    Accessing File System
    Directory Classes
  • Course C# Programming : General

    Read general course information
  • Course C# Programming : Reviews

  • Course C# Programming : Certificate