Course C Programming

In the course C Programming the basic principles of the C computer language are covered.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course C Programming : Content

    C Preprocessor, Compiler and Linker

    After an introduction about the background and characteristics of C and the function of the preprocessor, compiler and the linker, the program structure of C programs is discussed.

    C Language Syntax

    Through a series of coordinated exercises, participants learn to program with the variables, data types, storage classes, operators and control flow constructs of the C language.

    Functions and Parameters

    Subsequently, the use of functions in C is addressed. It is explained how functions are declared and defined and how parameters are passed to functions. The difference between passing parameters by reference and by value is explained.


    Ample attention is also paid to the pointer concept, arithmetic with pointers, the equivalence between pointers and arrays and the use of function pointers.

    Structures and Unions

    Next the focus is set on user defined composite data structures such as structures and unions.

    C Standard Library

    Finally, the C standard library is discussed, which includes the treatment of various functions for dealing with file IO, date and time, the manipulation of strings and the dynamic allocation of memory.

    Follow up Courses

    Follow up courses for the course C Programming are Advanced C Programming and C++ Programming.

  • Course C Programming : Training

    Audience Course C Programming

    The course C Programming is designed for programmers who want to write programs in C or other people who want to understand C code.

    Prerequisites Course C Programming

    No prior programming knowledge is required to join this course. Knowledge of programming in another language is however beneficial to a quick understanding of the subject matter.

    Realization Training C Programming

    The theory is treated on the basis of presentation slides and is interspersed with exercises. Illustrative demo programs are used to explain the concepts further. The course material is in English.

    Certification C Programming

    Participants receive an official certificate C Programming after successful completion of the course.

    Course C Programming
  • Course C Programming : Modules

    Module 1 : Intro C Language

    Module 2 : Variables and Data Types

    Module 3 : Control Flow

    History of C
    C Characteristics
    C Programs
    Creating First C Program
    Compiling and Linking
    Header Files
    Creating Executables
    C Standard Library
    Basic I/O
    C Compilers
    Data Types in C
    Variable Names
    Data Type Sizes
    Signed and Unsigned Types
    Numeric Constants
    Character Constants
    String Constants
    Enumeration Constants
    Symbolic Constants
    Type Casting
    Multidimensional Arrays
    Character Arrays
    Derived Data Types
    Control Flow Constructs
    Statements and Blocks
    If Statement
    If..else Statement
    Ambiguity of else
    else-if Construction
    switch Construction
    case Statements
    for Loop
    Nested for Loop
    while Loop
    do while Loop
    break And continue
    goto And Labels

    Module 4 : Operators

    Module 5 : Functions

    Module 6 : Storage Classes

    Arithmetic Operators
    In- and Decrement Operators
    Relational Operators
    Logical Operators
    Assignment Operators
    Bitwise Operators
    Shift Operators
    Conditional Operators
    sizeof Operator
    Type Conversions
    Library Functions
    User Defined Functions
    Calling Functions
    Function Prototype
    Function Definition
    Passing Parameters
    Call by Value
    Call by Reference
    Local and Global Variables
    Return Statement
    Storage Classes
    Automatic Variables
    External Variables
    Globals with Extern
    Static Variables
    Register Variables
    Scope and initialization
    Array Initialization

    Module 7 : Preprocessor Directives

    Module 8 : Pointers

    Module 9 : Structures and Unions

    C Preprocessor
    #include Directive
    #define and #undef Directive
    Macro’s with Arguments
    Macro Gotchas
    Conditional Inclusion
    #if #else #endif #elif
    Multiple Inclusion .h Files
    #ifdef and #ifndef
    Predefined Macros
    Variables and Addresses
    Pointer Declaration
    Initializing Pointers
    Pointers to Variables
    Pointer Dereferencing
    Pointer Assignment
    Pointers and Arrays
    Address Arithmetic
    null Pointer
    Pointers to Functions
    Character Pointers
    Command Line Arguments
    Structure Definition
    Variables of Structure Type
    Accessing Structures
    Nested Structures
    Structure Initialization
    Pointers in and to Structures
    Structures and Functions
    Arrays of Structures
    Bitfield Structures
    typedef And Structures
    Type Fields

    Module 10 : Standard C Library

    File I/O Functions
    Access Modes
    File Read and Write Function
    scanf Function Parameters
    Operation of scanf
    Utility Functions
    Flow Control Functions
    system Function
    ASCII to Binary Functions
    Environment Function
    Memory Management Functions
    Time and Date Functions
  • Course C Programming : General

    Read general course information
  • Course C Programming : Reviews

  • Course C Programming : Certificate