Course C++ 11-14-17-20

In the course C++11-14-17-20 the participants learn the new features of the C++ standard that have been added since C++11. The language C++ is indispensable in the world of high performance and embedded software.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course C++ 11-14-17-20 : Content

    C++ Standard

    Since the C++98 standard it has remained silent for a long time, but since C++11 C++ has undergone a steady development in recent years with the releases of C++14, C++17 and C++20.

    C++11 Features

    The course starts with an overview of a number of new features in C++11 such as type inference, uniform initialization, lambda functions and strongly typed enums.

    Rvalue Reference

    Next the new Rvalue reference types in C++11 are discussed, which enable move constructors instead of copy constructors. The Golden Rule of 5 for classes with pointer members is also discussed.

    Smart Pointers

    An important addition to the C++ standard introduced with C++11 are the smart pointers. These are important in preventing memory leaks and unique, shared and weak smart pointers are discussed.

    Multiple Threads

    Furthermore attention is paid to multiple threads that have been part of the C++ standard since C++11. With threads C++ applications can be parallelized and make optimal use of multiple cores. The synchronization of threads by locking mechanisms such as mutexes and condition variables are also part of the course program.

    C++14 Features

    The new features of C++14 including generalized lambda captures, return type deduction, shared mutexes and shared locking are then discussed.

    C++17 and C++20 Features

    Finally attention is paid to changes and additions to the standard that have come with the release of C++17 and C++20 such as folding expressions, optional types and immediate functions.

  • Course C++ 11-14-17-20 : Training

    Audience Course C++ 11-14-17-20

    The course C++ 11-14-17-20 is intended for C++ developers who want to learn the new features of the C++ 11, 14, 17 and 20 standards.

    Prerequisites Course C++ 11-14-17-20

    To participate in this course knowledge of and experience with programming in C++ is required.

    Realization Training C++ 11-14-17-20

    The theory is discussed on the basis of presentation slides and is interchanged with exercises. Illustrative demos are used to clarify the concepts discussed. Course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certification course C++ 11-14-17-20

    After successful completion of the training, participants receive an official certificate C++ 11-14-17-20.

    Course C++ 11-14-17-20
  • Course C++ 11-14-17-20 : Modules

    Module 1 : C++ 11 Intro

    Module 2 : Move Semantics

    Module 3 : Smart Pointers

    C++11 Features
    Type Inference
    Auto and decltype
    Uniform Initialization
    Initializer Lists
    Range Based for Loop
    Null Pointer Constant
    Standard Types
    constexpr Keyword
    Static Asserts
    Lambda Functions
    Strongly Types Enums
    User Defined Literals
    Raw String Literals
    Lvalues and Rvalues in C++
    Reference to Constant
    Passing References
    References as Return Values
    Rvalue References
    Rvalue Reference Usage
    Assignment Operator
    Copy Constructor
    Passing and Returning Objects
    Passing References to Objects
    Move Constructor
    Move Semantics
    Move Assignment Operator
    Golden Rule of 5
    Using unique_ptr
    Specialization for Arrays
    Replacement for std::auto_ptr
    shared _ptr Pointer
    Control Block
    shared_ptr Destruction Policy
    shared_ptr Interface
    Cyclic References
    default Keyword
    delete Keyword

    Module 4 : Multiple Threads

    Module 5 : Synchronization

    Module 6 : C++ 14

    Multiple Threads
    Benefits and Drawbacks
    Thread Characteristics
    Thread Class
    Simple Threads
    Joining Threads
    Detaching Threads
    Thread ID
    Passing Parameters
    Pass by Reference
    Pass by std::ref and std::move
    Member Function as Thread
    Thread Local Storage
    Data Corruption
    Lock Guard
    Automatic Lock Management
    Mutex and RAII
    Recursive Locking
    Timed Locking
    Atomic Types
    Call Once
    Event Handling
    Condition Variables
    Wait and Notify
    Promises and Futures
    Asynchronous Tasks
    Working with async
    Binary Literals
    Generic Lambda Expressions
    Generalized Lambda Captures
    Lambda Capture Initializers
    Return type Deduction
    Constraints constexpr Functions
    Variable Templates
    [[deprecated]] Attribute
    Digit Separators
    Shared Mutexes
    Shared Locking
    Tuple Addressing via Type

    Module 7 : C++ 17

    Module 8 : C++ 20

    Folding Expressions
    constexpr Lambda
    const if Expressions
    Init-statement for if
    Inline Variables
    Nested Namespaces
    Structured Bindings
    Selection Initialization
    UTF-8 Character Literals
    Initialization of Enums
    fallthrough and nodiscard
    Guaranteed Copy Elision
    Optional Types
    Concepts Library
    Designated Initializers
    likely and unlikely Attributes
    Immediate Functions
    constexpr Virtual Functions
    Explicit Bool
    Template Syntax Lambdas
    Math Constants
    Synchronized Outputstreams
  • Course C++ 11-14-17-20 : General

    Read general course information
  • Course C++ 11-14-17-20 : Reviews

  • Course C++ 11-14-17-20 : Certificate