Course Blazor

In the course Blazor participants learn how the Blazor Framework can be used to create Single Page Applications with C# and .NET instead of JavaScript. With Blazor client-side C# code can be run directly in the browser through WebAssembly. And since real .NET code runs on WebAssembly, you can reuse server side code and libraries.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Blazor : Content

    Blazor Intro

    The course Blazor starts with a discussion of Blazor's role within ASP.NET which is an extension of the .NET Framework with tools and libraries for Web Applications. The Razor Markup is introduced as well and the SignalR library for real time functionality in web applications is discussed.

    Data Binding

    Next one and two way data binding between user interface elements and C# code and lambda functions are treated. And event binding, event propagation and validation are also covered.

    Blazor Architecture

    The Blazor Architecture is explained. Blazor is based on UI components and changes in the browser DOM are tracked via an in memory tree and the DOM is updated where needed.

    Dependency Injection

    Attention is paid to how centrally registered services in Blazor such as the HttpClient and the NavigationManager are made available to Blazor Components via dependency injection. Adding services to a Blazor Webassembly App and a Blazor Service App is covered as well.


    Routing in Blazor Apps with the Router component is on the course schedule as well. Explained is how route information is found by scanning components with a RouteAttribute. And it is treated how RouteView components receive RouteData and parameters.

    JavaScript Interoperability

    Finally JavaScript Interoperability is covered. The course discusses how to invoke JavaScript from .NET code using an injected service that implements the IJSRuntime interface.

  • Course Blazor : Training

    Audience Course Blazor

    The course Blazor is intended for developers who want to create interactive client-side Web User Interfaces using C#, .NET and the Blazor Framework.

    Prerequisites Course Blazor

    Knowledge of .NET and C# and the basic architecture of Web and Single Page applications is required to participate in this course.

    Realization Training Blazor

    The concepts are covered on the basis of presentations. The concepts are further explained with demos in Visual Studio. Theory and exercises are interchanged. The course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certificate Blazor Course

    After successful completion of the course participants receive a Blazor certificate.

    Course Blazor
  • Course Blazor : Modules

    Module 1 : Blazor Intro

    Module 2 : Data Binding

    Module 3 : Blazor Architecture

    What is Blazor?
    C# Browser Apps
    .NET Core
    Blazor Components
    Razor Markup
    .NET Libraries
    Using Visual Studio
    Blazor Projects
    SignalR Connection
    Client Side Blazor
    One Way Data Binding
    Attribute Binding
    Conditional Attributes
    Event Binding Syntax
    Event Arguments
    C# Lambda Functions
    Two Way Data Binding
    Preventing Default Actions
    Stop Event Propagation
    Reporting Changes
    Blazor Components
    UI Elements
    C# and HTML
    UI Composition
    Razor Templates
    View and View Model
    Parent-Child Communication
    Type Parameters
    Life Cycle Hooks
    Cascading Properties
    Component Libraries

    Module 4 : Dependency Injection

    Module 5 : Routing

    Module 6 : JavaScript Interoperability

    Inversion of Control
    Container Injection
    Singleton Dependencies
    Transient Dependencies
    Scoped Dependencies
    Disposing Dependencies
    Adding Services
    Register Common Services
    Service Lifetime
    Constructor Injection
    @inject Statements
    Blazor Routing
    Router Component
    Route Templates
    @page Directive
    RouteView Component
    Route Parameters
    Route Constraints
    Call JavaScript from C#
    Glue Function
    JSInvocable Methods
    Pass Reference to JavaScript
    ILocalStorage Service
    DOM Interaction
    Asynchronous Calls
    Object Serialization
    JavaScript Initializers
    Location of JavaScript
    JavaScript Modules
  • Course Blazor : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Blazor : Reviews

  • Course Blazor : Certificate