Course Apache Kafka Streaming Applications

The course Apache Kafka Streaming Applications is designed for developers and data engineers seeking a deep understanding of Apache Kafka for building robust and scalable streaming applications. Apache Kafka has emerged as a leading distributed event streaming platform, and mastering its concepts and usage is essential for professionals working in the field of real-time data processing.

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  • Modules
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  • Certificate
  • Course Apache Kafka Streaming Applications : Content

    Intro Apache Kafka

    The course Apache Kafka Streaming Applications starts with a discussion of the architecture of Kafka and key concepts such as topics, partitions, producers, consumers, and brokers. The role of Kafka in building real-time data pipelines is also explained.

    Kafka Brokers

    Next more details are explained about Kafka brokers, which are the main components of Kafka's distributed architecture. Topics such as broker configuration, replication, partition replica leaders and followers and fault tolerance are discussed. And the role of Zookeeper is also explained.

    Kafka Streams

    Then there is attention for the Kafka Streams API with which streaming applications for real-time data processing can be built. Concepts such as processor topology, stream processors, the Kafka Streams DSL (Domain Specific Language) and KStreams are covered. The difference between statefull and stateless operations is also explained.

    Topics and Storage

    The course Apache Kafka Streaming Application also covers the fundamental concepts for organizing and storing data in Kafka clusters. Topics are covered with the creation, replication and compaction of topics. And Kafka storage with partitions, storage formats, Kafka tables and tiered storage is discussed as well.

    Kafka Security

    The security mechanisms for securing Kafka clusters and data streams are also on the course program. Topics include authentication and authorization, encryption with SSL, SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer), ZooKeeper security and applying request rate quotas.

    Management and Scalability

    Finally attention is paid to managing and scaling Kafka clusters with respect to high availability and performance. Tools and techniques for monitoring and managing Kafka clusters such as Kafka Manager and Prometheus are then discussed.

  • Course Apache Kafka Streaming Applications : Training

    Audience Course Apache Kafka Streaming Applications

    The course Apache Kafka Streaming Applications is intended for developers and data engineers who want to use Apache Kafka for real-time data processing.

    Prerequisites Course Apache Kafka Streaming Applications

    To participate in this course, basic knowledge of messaging systems is beneficial for a good understanding.

    Realization Training Apache Kafka Streaming Applications

    The course has a hands-on character where theory with the use of demos is alternated with practice through exercises.

    Certificate Course Apache Kafka Streaming Applications

    After successful completing of the course, attendants will receive a certificate of participation in the course Apache Kafka Streaming Applications.

    Course Apache Kafka Streaming Applications
  • Course Apache Kafka Streaming Applications : Modules

    Module 1 : Intro Apache Kafka

    Module 2 : Kafka Brokers

    Module 3 : Kafka Streams

    What is Apache Kafka?
    Apache Kafka Architecture
    Kafka Components
    Producers, Consumers, and Brokers
    Topics and Partitions
    Kafka Streams Overview
    Event Streaming in Kafka
    Message Serialization
    Message DeSerialization
    Kafka Connect
    Kafka Installation
    What are Brokers?
    Producers Sourcing Data
    Configuring Broker List
    Consumers Unlocking Data
    Consumer Interaction
    Role of Zookeeper
    Broker Level Options
    Partition Replica Leaders
    Peeking into Kafka
    Cluster Maintenance
    Adding Brokers
    Kafka Streams API
    Stream Partition
    Data Record
    Application Instances
    Elastic Scaling
    Processor Topology
    Stream Processors
    Stateful Operations
    Stateless Operations
    Real Time Analytics

    Module 4 : Topics and Storage

    Module 5 : Kafka Security

    Module 6 : Management and Scalability

    Topic Creation Options
    Replication Factors
    Partition Location
    Topic Compaction
    Kafka Storage
    Storage is Partitioned
    Storage Formats
    Kafka Tables
    Tiered Storage
    Data Movement
    Security Fundamentals
    Encryption with SSL
    SSL and SASL Authentication
    SSL Brokers and Clients
    SSL between Brokers
    Authorization in Kafka
    Access Control List
    Role Based Access Control
    Zookeeper Kerberos Setup
    Network Bandwidth Quota
    Request Rate Quotas
    Kafka Replication
    High Availability
    Scaling Kafka clusters
    Processing Parallelism
    Fault Tolerant Processing
    Elastic Processing
    Table Compaction
    Monitoring Kafka
    Kafka Application Logs
    Optimizing Kafka
    Data Skew
  • Course Apache Kafka Streaming Applications : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Apache Kafka Streaming Applications : Reviews

  • Course Apache Kafka Streaming Applications : Certificate