Course Advanced Python Programming

The course Advanced Python Programming discusses advanced aspects of the Python programming language that simplify and accelerate the development of Python software.

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  • Certificate
  • Course Advanced Python Programming : Content

    Advanced Classes

    In the first place a number of advanced aspects of classes are discussed such as multiple inheritance, polymorphism and operator overloading.

    Modules and Packages

    Subsequently attention is paid to the use of modules and packages and participants learn how to create packages themselves, how to upload and install them in a virtual environment. Accessing XML and JSON data is also on the program and it is discussed how logging can be implemented in Python programs.

    Generators and Decorators

    Additionally iterators that deal with lazy evaluation are discussed as well as generators and coroutines with which concurrent programs can be made. Then decorators that are used to add functionality such as caching and proxying to existing functions and classes, are discussed.

    Design Patterns

    In the module patterns the Python implementation of different standard Design Patterns is explained.
    Next attention is paid to an advanced feature like meta programming.

    Processes and Threads

    Also the creation of processes and threads is discussed as well as the synchronization between threads and optimizing the performance of Python code. Subsequently the new asyncio module is on the course program with which asynchronous IO with futures can be realized. Inter-process communication via sockets and pipes is also treated.

    Unit Testing

    And finally unit and mock testing is discussed in the context of test automation.

  • Course Advanced Python Programming : Training

    Audience Course Advanced Python Programming

    The course Advanced Python Programming is intended for Python developers who want to know more about the Python language and who wish to become proficient in advanced aspects of Python.

    Prerequisites Course Advanced Python Programming

    To participate in this course knowledge of and experience with programming in Python is required.

    Realization Training Advanced Python Programming

    The theory is discussed on the basis of presentation slides. Illustrative demos illustrate the concepts. The theory is interspersed with exercises. The course material is in English.

    Official Certificate Advanced Python Programming

    Participants receive an official certificate Advanced Python Programming after successful completion of the course.

  • Course Advanced Python Programming : Modules

    Module 1 : Advanced Classes

    Module 2 : Modules and Packages

    Module 3 : XML en JSON Access

    Classes Recapitulation
    Data Hiding
    Property Syntax
    super Keyword
    Multiple Inheritance
    Constructor Chaining
    Checking Relationships
    issubclass and isinstance
    Overriding Methods
    __str__ and __repr__
    Class Methods
    Operator Overloading
    import Statement
    from … import Statement
    Locating Modules
    Packages in Python
    Explicit and Implicit Import
    Namespaces and Scoping
    Test Harnas
    Virtual Environments and Activation
    Distribution of Packages
    Installing packages
    pip install
    Using Python Package index
    PyPI commands
    Uploading Package with Setup
    XML Parsing
    Pull versus Push Parsing
    Python XML Libraries
    DOM and SAX
    DOM Navigation and Manipulation
    Reading and Writing XML
    Searching and Validating XML
    XML Manipulation
    JSON library
    Dictionary to JSON conversion
    Loading and Dumping JSON

    Module 4 : Logging

    Module 5 : Generators

    Module 6 : Decorators

    logging Module
    When Use Logging
    Log Levels
    Logging Configuration
    Log in Multiple Modules
    Formatting Logging
    Logging Components
    Logger per Module
    Handlers and Filters
    Logging Flow
    Logger Adapter
    Iteration Protocols
    Supporting Iteration
    Generator Functions
    Conveniant Iterator
    Generator Expression
    Expression Syntax
    Building Blocks
    Chaining generators
    Functions as Objects
    Passing and Returning Functions
    What is a Decorator?
    Decorator Syntax
    Types of Decorators
    Passing Arguments
    Multiple Decorators
    Class Decorators
    Singleton Class
    Why Decorators
    Need for AOP
    Crosscutting Security Concern

    Module 7 : Patterns in Python

    Module 8 : Meta Programming

    Module 9 : Threads

    What are Patterns?
    Singleton Pattern
    Adapter Pattern
    Chain of Responsibility Pattern
    Observer Patters
    Patterns or Principles
    Everything is Object
    Duck Typing
    Monkey Patching
    Dependency Injection
    Context Managers
    Classes as Objects
    Object from Metaclass
    Class of Class
    Descriptor Protocol
    Functions and Methods
    Classes and Types
    Object Creation
    Singleton As Type
    Object Construction
    Thread Characteristics
    Threads in Python
    Current Thread
    Daemon Threads
    Joining Threads
    Derived Thread Class
    Signaling Threads
    Lock Object
    Locks as Context Managers
    Condition Synchronization
    Thread Local Data

    Module 10 : Async IO

    Module 11 : Networking

    Module 12 : Unit Testing

    Concurrent Execution
    Concurrent Futures
    Network Layering
    TCP/IP Layering
    UDP versus TCP
    TCPv4 versus TCPv6 sockets
    Connectionless Services
    Connection Oriented Services
    Socket Utility Functions
    Asynchronous Servers
    Using Pipes
    Anonymous and Named Pipes
    What is Unit Testing?
    Automated Testing
    Test Driven Development
    Traditional versus TDD
    Unit Testing in Python
    Python Test Frameworks
    Test Cases
    Test Suite
  • Course Advanced Python Programming : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Advanced Python Programming : Reviews

  • Course Advanced Python Programming : Certificate