Course Asynchronous Programming in C#

The course Asynchronous Programming in C# focuses on how to use C# and the .NET Framework to write asynchronous code with the async and await mechanism.

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  • Certificate
  • Course Asynchronous Programming in C# : Content

    Intro Asynchronous Programming

    The course Asynchronous Programming in C# starts with a discussion of the differences between synchronous and asynchronous code. Covered are the disadvantages of blocking behavior and the advantages of parallelism and concurrency with threads and tasks.

    Synchronous versus Asynchronous

    It is explained how in synchronous code a thread that issues a blocking call waits for the result. Asynchronous code does not wait while another thread executes the call. The original thread is notified via a callback or other mechanism when the result is ready.

    Async Programming in .NET

    Next the implementation of asynchronous code in the .NET Framework and .NET Core is treated. Various patterns for writing asynchronous code are discussed. The benefits of using .NET Core are covered and asynchronous algorithms are explained.

    Async Await

    Then the async await mechanism is discussed. It is explained how a method preceded by the async keyword becomes an asynchronous method. In the body of the method the keyword await can then be used to wait for the result of an asynchronous call.


    The prevention of data corruption by means of synchronization primitives such as locks, mutexes and semaphores is also on the program of the course Asynchronous Programming in C#. Attention is paid to race conditions and deadlock as well.

    Exception Handling

    Furthermore exception handling in an asynchronous environment is a topic of the course. The focus is set on faulted tasks and disposable objects. Finally asynchronous calls to services are discussed and the interaction between handling in the frontend and the backend.

  • Course Asynchronous Programming in C# : Training

    Audience Course Asynchronous Programming in C#

    The course Asynchronous Programming in C# course is designed for developers who want to learn how to implement asynchronous code with async await in .NET.

    Prerequisites Course Asynchronous Programming in C#

    Good knowledge of C# or a comparable language such as Java is required to participate in this course.

    Realization Training Asynchronous Programming in C#

    The concepts are explained using presentations and demos in Visual Studio.NET. There is ample opportunity to practice. The course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certification Course Asynchronous Programming in C#

    After successfully completing the course the participants will receive a certificate Asynchronous Programming in C#.

    Course Asynchronous Programming in C#
  • Course Asynchronous Programming in C# : Modules

    Module 1 : Async Intro

    Module 2 : Async in .NET

    Module 3 : Async Await

    Synchronous Code
    Blocking Behavior
    Asynchronous Code
    Completion Events
    Threads and Tasks
    Parallelism and Concurrency
    IO Bound Tasks
    CPU Bound Tasks
    Long Running Tasks
    Background Workers
    Async in .NET
    Asynchronous Patterns
    Event Based Pattern
    Task Based Pattern
    Async .NET Core
    .NET Core Benefits
    Asynchronous Algorithms
    Thread Pools
    Thread Pool Starvation
    Memory Consumption
    Async Keyword
    Async Method
    Await Keyword
    Suspending Execution
    Yielding Control
    Awaitable Tasks
    Task Completion
    Task Composition
    Task Object

    Module 4 : Synchronization

    Module 5 : Exceptions

    Module 6 : Advanced Topics

    Race Conditions
    Need for Synchronization
    Thread Safe Code
    Lock Objects
    Timing and Synchronization
    Exception Handling
    Asynchronous Exceptions
    Throwing Exceptions
    Task.Exception Property
    Faulted Tasks
    Catching Exceptions
    Disposable Objects
    Async Services
    Async Request
    Ajax Calls
    Async Frontend
    Async Backend
    Await Tasks Efficiently
  • Course Asynchronous Programming in C# : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Asynchronous Programming in C# : Reviews

  • Course Asynchronous Programming in C# : Certificate