Course APEX Advanced

In the course APEX Advanced developers learn the more advanced options of developing with Oracle APEX. After completing the course, participants have a good understanding of advanced APEX concepts and techniques such as the use of advanced queries and integration with external systems, web services and APIs.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course APEX Advanced : Content

    Advanced Page Processing

    The course Advanced APEX starts with a discussion of the integration of SQL and PL/SQL in Oracle APEX when implementing advanced query techniques, stored procedures, functions and optimizations.


    Various aspects of security and authentication are also covered. Topics are APEX Account Credentials, Session Creation and Session State Protection (SSP).

    Dynamic Actions

    Next concepts related to Oracle APEX triggers and dynamic actions are on the Advanced APEX course program. Topics include trigger architecture, event-based triggers, the dynamic action framework and best practices for designing interactive and responsive APEX applications.

    Web Services

    The integration of APEX applications with external systems and APIs is also treated. In addition to data formats such as SOAP, JSON, topics also include WSDL, RESTful Web Services, APEX Web Services, Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) and RESTFul Data Services.

    Design Patterns

    Furthermore advanced design patterns for building modular, reusable and maintainable applications in Oracle APEX are covered. Topics include the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, developing plug-ins, reuse of components and template options.

    More Apex Features

    Finally more advanced aspects of page processing are discussed. For example it is demonstrated how the combination with JavaScript and HTML offers advanced functionality in APEX. And also there is a look ahead to the latest features of APEX.

  • Course APEX Advanced : Training

    Audience Advanced Course APEX

    The course APEX Advanced is intended for developers who already have some experience in developing web applications with APEX on an Oracle database.

    Prerequisites APEX Advanced Course

    To participate in the course APEX Advanced basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript is required as well as basic knowledge and experience in developing with APEX.

    Realization Training APEX Advanced

    The course is given with the newest version of Oracle and APEX. The theory is treated on the basis of presentation slides and demos and is interspersed with exercises.

    Certification APEX Advanced

    Participants receive an official certificate APEX Advanced after successful completion of the course.

    APEX Advanced Course
  • Course APEX Advanced : Modules

    Module 1 : Advanced Page Processing

    Module 2 : Security

    Module 3 : Dynamic Actions

    SQL en PL-SQL Integratie
    PL/SQL packages
    Cursor Management,
    Public APEX API's
    Internal APEX API's
    Advanced Interactive Reports
    Parameterized Reports
    Stored Procedures
    Advanced Queries
    Implementing Security
    Access Control
    Authorization and Authentication
    Authentication Schemes
    Creating Authentication Scheme
    APEX Account Credentials
    Custom authentication
    LDAP en SSO
    Session Creation
    Session State Protection (SSP)
    Dynamic Action Framework
    Trigger Architecture
    Event Based Triggers
    Ajax en XMLHttp Requests
    Partial Page updates
    Callback Functions
    CORS Policy
    Dynamic HTML and JavaScript
    PDF from Reports
    XSL-FO Integration

    Module 4: Web Services

    Module 5: Design Patterns

    Module 6 : More Apex Features

    API Integratie
    REST Services
    REST Data Services
    SOAP and WSDL standard
    Creating Web Service References
    Web Service Reference from WSDL
    Web Service Reference Manually
    Using Web Services
    Modular Architecture
    MVC Patterns
    Models and Controllers
    Views and Templates
    Dependency Injection
    Component Reuse
    Plug-in Development
    JavaScript Integration
    New Page Designer
    New Navigation methods
    Model Pages
    File Management
    Calendar Enhancements
    New Themes
    New Templates
  • Course APEX Advanced : General

    Read general course information
  • Course APEX Advanced : Reviews

  • Course APEX Advanced : Certificate